I have a confession. Every day, sometimes several times a day, I check the stats of my blog. These stats tell me how many pages have been viewed for the day, week, month, and all time. It has been amazing to watch the growth lately. Since obeying the Lord’s nudge to write six days a week, the stats have soared …
Faith of a Child
I am teaching a Bible study on Thursday nights. Every week I give the ladies a list of verses to read and copy in their spiral notebook. Many of the Scriptures I have blogged about the past two weeks have been on those Bible verses because that is where I have been lately in the mornings. Candle lit, cats fed, coffee, couch, me, …
Broken But Priceless
God’s timing is amazing. After I posted yesterday’s blog asking for comments to help my friend, I checked my e-mail. That’s when I found this. It’s a post from another blog. I was so excited. I quickly commented and asked the author if I could re-post her message. She has graciously agreed. Erin and I met at a writers conference. …
Treasures in Dark Places (2nd time)
I’m going through my archives (if you haven’t noticed). I’m realizing how important and powerful it is to journal your journey with the Lord. It’s been good to look back and hear my own faith. Funny, but sometimes I have to be reminded of my faith because I seem to only remember my moments of failure, emptiness, and struggle. So, …
The Face of Jesus
My heart says of you, ‘Seek His face!’ Your face, Lord, I seek (Psalm 27:8). On Friday, I challenged us to make “seeking God’s face” our priority in prayer for one month. One of my friends took me up on that challenge. As we talked on the phone Friday afternoon, she spoke of focusing on a sketching she has of …