Bite of Bread, faith, Uncategorized

Bite of Bread: It’s About Faith


I’ve been talking with dear friends lately who have hard lives. 

Their pain and sorrow I can only imagine, and I myself wonder why they have to go through such struggle. But even after all of the messiness of life is shared between us and the tears fall, these friends confess their faith in Jesus.

Though I’ve not been in their particular shoes, I know those days when God seems so far away–maybe even questioning if He was mad at me.

I’ve been angry with Him.

But time and time I’ve come back to my faith in Jesus, because Jesus is the goodness of God. When I come back to faith in this goodness I experience the peace He promised to those who believe (Philippians 4:6-7). 

[bctt tweet=”Jesus is the goodness of God. ” username=”wordsbyandylee”]


In the past I’ve written about how important hope is. I have learned the hard way how much we have to have hope. But I’m  beginning to realize that we cannot have hope–not the hope that goes beyond what we can see before we have faith in the goodness of God.

So, let’s study faith.


Grab your journal and jot these down or take a screen shot. If you’re on Instagram, I post a new scripture image of each bite every morning. If you scroll down to the footer of this page, you can click any of the social buttons and follow me. And Monday through Friday we also share our faith together on my daily broadcasts that I do through Periscope. During these broadcasts I dig into these verses and find the life inside and how we can apply it to our lives. It’s a sweet time of fellowship.

In case you want to look up the verses from here: Ephesians 3:16,17; Mark 11:24; Hebrews 11:1; Romans 15:13; 1 John 5:4;  Hebrews 11:6; Mark 9:24



What strengthens your faith? Leave a comment. Your  faith encourages others!


Digging Deep to Live Fully by His Grace,



  1. […] words in Mark 11:24 (one of our “bites” this week) reopened a wound. I thought it was healed years ago. It no longer bleeds. It doesn’t even […]

  2. Janice Bordeaux

    What would my family & friends think if I disappeared? To my sadness.. My testimony would be… She is not well, she will leave her house soon… Makes me know Enoch was know for his love for Our Heavenly Father not his problems.. I want to be know for my love for Jesus! Thank you, Andy! Great “day start”… !

    1. Wow Janice! “Enoch was known for his faith not his problems.” That is powerful! Thank you for sharing! I know you’re known for your faith!

  3. […] house, (I love that kind of quiet) my Bible open, candle lit, coffee poured, I began to study the “Bite of Bread.” I talked to Him, the invisible Presence sitting with me. “Is Hebrews 11: 5 and 6 really what you […]

  4. Shellie Murphy

    What strengthens my faith is my fellowship in my church watching you Andy and bites of bread my Wednesday Warriors group and making and meeting other people in my church that it helps me to be able to Define what having faith really is I love you Andy thank you for you

    1. Love you Shellie!So glad you’re in our group!

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