Have you ever caught yourself saying, “I love that Bible story…it’s my favorite!” But the minute the words tumbled out of your excited mouth you thought of ten others Bible stories that were your favorites?
Has anybody ever asked you what your favorite verse is, your “life verse,” but you couldn’t choose only one because there are so many scriptures that speak to your soul?
Me too. It’s almost comical. I chuckle to myself when I hear those words roll from my lips, “…it’s my favorite.”
I feel like a liar. A cheat. Can you cheat on your favorite Bible story?
You may be new to reading the Bible and not have this “problem” yet, but don’t worry, it won’t take long. You’ll have many favorites too.
These are the first-world, blessed conundrums I find myself in these days. But I’ve decided it’s a very good problem. I’m not lying or cheating.
[tweetability]I simply love the Bible and the life it gives.[/tweetability]
The other day I enjoyed a justifying thought that the Bible is so big, so packed with amazing stories and life changing verses, that if I have twenty favorites, that’s logical in a mathematical sort of way.
So…I say all of that chatter to justify my words today introducing this week’s reading plan.
[tweetability]Psalm 63 is one of my favorite psalms.[/tweetability]
Enjoy, my friends. Linger in David’s love affair with God. Though not perfect, he was described as a man after God’s own heart. (Click here to read.)
How I want to be like that and how I want that for you.
I’m reading with you.
Checklist for the morning:
- Journal and pen
- Coffee poured
- Candle lit
- Bible open
- Verse(s) for the day from the BoB
- Reading Glasses (personally) :)
- Sunrise on a pier (At least we can picture ourselves there.)
Here ya go…
(Sorry: Sunday you’ll be reading a Pslam.) OOPs! Needing some Everyday Grace.
What’s your “favorite” Bible story or verse?
With Joy,
Oh, me too, Andy! It is definitely one of my two favorite Psalms ( tied with 139). I especially love the verse about His love satisfying me better than the finest of foods. That is the best compliment I could offer!!!
HaHa! I love you kindred spirit. I know how much you like food! It is a great verse. Makes me hungry for Him just thinking of the analogy. Thanks for reading and commenting! Love you.