Bible Reading Plan, Uncategorized

Bite of Bread Bible Reading Plan (August 4-10): Psalm 139

Psalm 139 is one of the most beloved chapters in the Bible, at least in my heart. Enjoy chewing on bites of it this week.

Grab your journal, light a candle, pour a cup of joe…

And enjoy time with the one who loves you more that life itself.


Bite of Bread (August 4-10) Psalm 139

With joy,




  1. Janyce McCullough Dodier

    Hi Andrea Lynn~~`so grateful Lyndsey shared your website. It’s more than comforting. I don’t know if your aware that Mother could truly write wonderful letters and programs she prepared for PEO. I’m certain that Mother and Daddy are very proud of you.
    When you “find a home” for your book, “A Mary Like Me”, please let me know where I may get a copy.

    Also, would love to haave aa copy of Lauren’s painting of Mary.

    Love, Aunt Nannie

    1. Wow Janice! Great to hear from you. So glad you found me. I will definitely let you know where to get A Mary Like Me when she gets published. Lauren hasn’t made prints of her painting yet. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. I’m going to find you on FB. Much love and grace, Andy

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