In a crazy world it can be hard to find peace and keep it. Andy Lee offers the solution to finding peace and keeping it with practical tips and a Bible reading plan of 30 scriptures on peace.

Bible. Faith. Life.
Bible. Faith. Life.
In a crazy world it can be hard to find peace and keep it. Andy Lee offers the solution to finding peace and keeping it with practical tips and a Bible reading plan of 30 scriptures on peace.
I have a confession. Most of the time, I’m a joyful person, but I have my days. And when those days come, I cannot make myself choose joy. It’s a really popular saying right now. Many would prove it biblical, but it’s not always possible in my experience. I’ve tried. In fact, trying to force myself to be joyful made …
I lost a whole month. Now, however, healing and digging out of the ashes of Covid I can say that God is good. And even though I am behind, I’ve been reminded of what really matters. It’s not my IG feed or my YouTube consistency. It’s not how clean my house is or if the laundry is piling up. Nope, …
Who is not ready to turn the page and start with a fresh new year? As the calendar rolls over to 2022, most of us find ourselves hopeful, rubbing our hands together. We’re choosing our “words” or making resolutions and goals even if we hate resolutions. We can’t help it. It’s a new year! Anticipation is in the air. There’s …
Acting upon His mercy, God sent His Son to be born under the Bethlehem stars, the perfect Lamb of God, the flawless sacrifice for sin. Did you know that many theologians believe Jesus was born in a special stable used specifically for the sacrificial lambs? One year I wrote a post about the birth of the last sacrifice. I had …