This week I’m giving away the best resource I’ve found for digging into the ancient text, The Key-Word Study Bible.
To enter into the drawing, you only need to do two things:
- “Like” my Facebook Andy Lee (Author) page if you haven’t already.
- Leave a comment on the post below.
The winner will be drawn next Tuesday (December 17) and posted on next week’s Word Wednesday.
Now to today’s Word Wednesday lesson:
“The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood (overcome) it.” (John 1:5 addition mine)
We’ve all experienced awkward moments with people who don’t share our faith in Jesus. They look at us funny. Silence permeates the room. “Uncomfortable” creeps in, and we decide to change the subject. Sometimes those who don’t believe make me feel, well, for lack of a better word…stupid.
I’ve feared turning people away from Jesus, and that fear has made me choose my words carefully. I’m not condoning my methods, just keeping it real. Have you ever done this?
A friend was telling me of her Christmas card dilemma. Her family shuns her when she speaks of God or Jesus. It’s painful, and I can tell she is wearying and wary of their reactions. She opted for a generic greeting on her card this year.
I had just finished studying John 1:5 before my conversation with this friend, so when she told me of her family’s attitude toward her now that she is a believer, this verse came to my mind. “…the darkness has not understood it.”

“I know why they act that way!” I said, probably with a little too much excitement.
“What?” she asked.
“I know why they act that way!” I repeated. “They don’t get it. They can’t understand your faith…. Let me read you the scripture.”
I began looking up John 1:5 in the Bible closest to me, which was not the one I studied earlier. But this Bible, though the same translation, did not read the same. John 1:5 read, “The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not overcome it.”
I thought I had the wrong verse. I flipped through some pages, but I was 98% sure that this was the right one.
After I got off the phone, I found my other Bible to check my memory. Was I losing my mind? No. They were different.
When two NIV Bibles translate a verse differently, I can’t ignore it. You shouldn’t either. Start digging.
When I looked up the ancient text, in the back of my Key-Word, the definitions confirmed the two different translations. The Greek word is Katalambano, which literally means to overtake something, but figuratively… to comprehend.
The commentator theorized that John employed both meanings of Katalambano. He explained, “The ‘darkness’ cannot get a handle on the ‘Light’ in the sense that it is utterly unable to understand it. The light by its very nature overcomes and dispels the darkness” (Zhodiates, Key-Word Study Bible).
There it is…the darkness is utterly unable to understand the light, and by its very nature cannot overcome the intensity, power, and brightness of the eternal Light.
I have to remember this as I pray for those who don’t believe. I pray that the light bulb will come on lighting the way to understanding.
I have to remember this as I talk with those who simply can’t grasp it. But I also must know that there is nothing to fear. What I share with them is light. As I pray for them to understand, the light will overcome the darkness.
How will this change the way you pray for those who don’t know Christ and how you interact with them?
May I pray for us?
“Lord of Light, fill us with your brightness. Let our words and actions shine of eternity. We pray for the hearts and minds of those we love who don’t understand our faith. Help them understand. Turn the light on in them. Overcome the darkness. We love you. Amen.”
Leave a comment and “like” my page to enter into the drawing! I want to bless you with the resource that made a huge difference in my understanding of the Bible.
With Joy,
I read A Mary Like Me and now have subscribed. Thank you, Andy, for your devotions of inspiration. Carole Castagna
Thank you for subscribing! I am honored to walk this faith journey with you and hopefully inspire and encourage along the way.
I love your faithfulness to Jesus and to what He has called you to do. You are an inspiration!
Thank you friend! You’re entered just in time!
I enjoyed reading this post and look forward to reading more.
Thanks Melanie! So glad you enjoyed it. Please come back!
You light the darkness for me.Thank you.
Love you Ellen! Ditto. Thanks for reading and commenting. You’re entered!
Wonderful prize, just what I need !!!!! Learning now, because I WANT to is a great feeling !! Thanks so much !!!!
Hi Rosemary! Thanks for commenting. Were you able to “like” my facebook page also? I can enter you into the drawing once you’ve done both. So excited that you WANT to learn. That is awesome!
What a tremendous truth and you were so right to investigate further! Sometimes I’m tempted to just gloss over things, but what treasures are ours when we dig for them! I now will be praying for my unbelieving friends in a new light:) (Couldn’t resist;))
Hey Lauren! Loved your comment. You have a way with words. :) Were you able to “like” my Facebook page too? I can enter you into the drawing once you have. Blessings!
Andy, I, too, have had many of those awkward conversations about Christianity. Scripture is true, darkness cannot understand light. Or the Light! My word of advice: Let His light shine through us. By being a light to those living in darkness, they WILL eventually see the light shining brightly in us. Before long, they will ask for that “thing” that we have that seems to elude them. This hasn’t happened to me many times, but it has on a few occasions. And when it did I was so blessed to finally share my faith with them. Thanks Andy for encouraging us to allow the light of Jesus to shine brightly in each of us and to overcome our fear of reaching out to others in this lost and dying world!
Beth, you are shiny! I’m sure people notice all the time! Thanks for the comment and encouragement! You’re entered!
Andy, love that you’re giving away a Bible on your blog. Caught my eye because I’ve been more serious this year about studying scripture and plan to dig in even deeper in 2014. Happy to know there’s a wonderful resource. Never heard of it, by the way, so really happy to read your post.
I’ve already liked your FB page. It’s wonderful over there. :)
Thanks Kim! If you don’t win, you’ve got to get one! The Bible comes to life. Every Wednesday is a post like this. Thanks so much for encouraging me. You’re entered!
I love to dig and discover the root meanings–it enriches and illumines the word of God for me. Having a Bible like this sounds wonderful!! And, as always I love your way with words, Andy.
Thanks Jeannie! You need one of these! You’re entered!
Thank you, thank you!
I’m glad I found your blog and love your take on this. I should think the Keyword Study Bible would be a great help in truly understanding the scriptures. I would love to have a copy.
I’m glad you found it too! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. You’re entered!
Andy, I love thinking about “the darkness has not overcome the it {the light}.” I have left discussions feeling like the light in me was overcome by the darkness of the intellectual views. This encourages me. Jesus, the light of the world who lives in me, leaves His light in spite of my inadequacies in presenting Him.
So glad this encourages you! Thanks for your comment! You’re entered!
I love your blog, and am always encouraged by your insight and wisdom!
Thanks Edie! Thanks for your comment and “like”. You’re entered!
Andy I have found your blog to be so inspirational. Thank you for taking the time to bless so many people! Blessings Juli Shea
Thanks Julie. Thanks for reading. I’m so thankful this blesses you. You’re entered!
I so enjoy reading your posts! Every one of them touches me in a way that only the Holy Spirit knows I need. Thank you for sharing your heart in such a “real” way. I’m so honored to know you!
I am honored to know you, Esther. I love how the Holy Spirit works. He is so good! You’re entered!
Thank you for sharing your light, your wisdom, and for challenging me!
Well, that’s a compliment! I love a challenge. Thanks so much for reading and often commenting. You encourage me. You’re entered!
I always enjoy reading your devos!
I miss you! Thanks for reading. You’re entered!
Thanks for giving away free stuff and encouraging folk to understand better.
Thanks for reading, leaving a comment and liking my fb page. You’re entered!
I pray this prayer almost every night for my loved one to have just a sliver of Gods holy light, for if they even get a sliver of the power go God their life will change .
I pray this for your loved ones too. Thanks Linda! You’re entered. :)
Andy, thanks for this lovely post and for a chance to win this bible which I have coveted for a long time! I remember when I first came to church, I worried because my 15 year old daughter seemed indifferent to the message I cherished. I prayed that I would know how to reach her, how to help her understand. I called the church, searched the internet, and prayed for wisdom. I came up with a plan but before I launched it–she told me “I get it now!” Just another example of how God is in control and answers prayers–without our “help”. So grateful that the light overcomes the darkness!
That’s so cool! I love these stories of the light coming on! You’re entered my friend! Thanks for the comment!
This is so true and we must remember to pray for the Holy Spirit to give them understanding. As my Mom lay dying of cancer, I tried to share with her about God, got her a Bible, read books to her. One day with tears streaming down her face she said, “I just don’t understand the Bible!” But God opened her understanding and she came to know and believe and understand!
Thanks so much for sharing Sandy. What a powerful testimony! And you’re entered!
I don’t know if it’s cheaty for me to enter, but either way, I liked this post! Looking at the original words is something I need to do more–I feel like I’m missing out sometimes by not knowing the original words with their original meanings.
Love you! :D
It’s not cheaty! I would love for you to have this Bible! So excited to know that you loved this post! You’re entered! Yay!