It’s hard to wait when your heart is involved. Do you find yourself in any of these scenarios?
- Waiting for a loved one to be healed.
- Praying for someone you love to be saved.
- Waiting for the baby to be born and you’re two days PAST your due date. (Some of us are so thankful we’re way past this! We’ll pray for you!)
- Waiting for a promotion.
- Waiting for the dream to come true.
- Praying to get pregnant with that baby you’ve longed to hold.
- Waiting (impatiently) for Prince Charming.
What are you waiting for? Is your heart involved? Does it ache as you wait?
So many things we wait for hold a change for our future. That’s where we find Ruth this week in our online Ruth Bible study.
Naomi told Ruth to Wait
Ruth had come back from a night on the threshing floor with good news and bad news. The good news was she brought home six measures of barley, a pledge from Boaz for both her and Naomi. (We learned about this on my LIVE video last week!) He would do what needed to be done to redeem Ruth, but the bad news was another kinsman redeemer stood in line in front of Boaz. Boaz had to speak with him first.
Then Naomi said, “Wait, my daughter, until you find out what happens. For the man will not rest until the matter is settled today.”
Ruth 3:18
That would’ve been so hard! Ruth could do nothing. Her fate lay in the hands of a stranger. I wonder if she started praying for the other redeemer to reject her. Have you ever prayed to be rejected?
What do you do when you wait?

Four good things to do as you WAIT
- Journal. Prayer is essential during the waiting period. Keep in mind that prayer draws us nearer to HIS presence and many treasures await us there. When I’m worried waiting, it always helps me to journal. Write down your prayers, all your concerns and frustrations in the midst of waiting.
- Be still. This may be the opposite of your personality. You are a do-er. Ruth was a do-er too. But the Hebrew word Naomi spoke means to dwell, endure, and stay. This can be so hard to do. Find a time during the day and a place where you can be still for 30 minutes. Ask him to help you be still, especially your mind. In the stillness, listen for his voice. Waiting is an invitation to participate in his plans.
- Trust God. Do you know that no matter what, God wants the best for you, and he alone knows what’s best? If you’ve placed yourself under his covering, you’ve surrendered to his love, trust the One who loves you more than life. You may have to journal a prayer for God to help you trust him.
- Study the Bible. Don’t just read it. Study. Use plans like the Bite of Bread below, get a Bible study like the Book of Ruth Key Word Bible Study, or join a local Bible study group. Nothing can give us hope and insight like God’s Word.

Bite of Bread Reading Plan on Waiting
Read through each day so that you don’t miss anything God has for you! A printable version of this reading plan to use during your personal time with God is available.
Monday: Ruth 3:18:
Then Naomi said, “Wait, my daughter, until you find out what happens. For the man will not rest until the matter is settled today.”
Prompt: Did somebody say wait? How many of us despise that word? The Hebrew word here means: to sit, dwell, inhabit, endure, and to stay. Is there something you are waiting for now? You’re just sitting, dwelling, enduring, staying . . . until it comes to pass. Write a prayer about what you’re waiting for and ask God to help you be still.
Tuesday: Proverbs 3: 5: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
Prompt: Write down a time in the past when you’ve had to apply this verse. Did it bring you peace or frustration? Is there anything in your life right now that you need to apply this wisdom to? Make it a prayer.
Free Printable to Use While You Wait
Wednesday: Proverbs: 3:6a . . . in all your ways submit to him . . .
Prompt: Some translations say, “in all your ways acknowledge him”. The Hebrew word means to learn, perceive, discern, experience, confess, consider, to know relationally and experientially. How would you translate this verse? Put it in your words. Does this help you trust God?
Thursday: Proverbs 3: 6b . . . and he will make your paths straight.
Prompt: This is the promise. If we really know God, experience God, confess God, in everything we do, he promises to make our paths straight. We often think this means that there will be no bumps in the road, but a “straight path” can mean an ethically upright life. How does this change the way you’ve understood this verse? Can you see how this connects with Jesus? Write down your thoughts and any scriptures that come to mind.
Friday: Romans 15:13: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Prompt: I love this verse. I need to put it on a wall in my classroom. What is the key ingredient to joy, peace, and hope? Write a prayer asking God to help you trust him more each day. Then, sit is silence and listen. Write down what you hear him say or any scriptures he leads you to.
Don’t forget the printable of this reading plan with prompts.

Midweek Manna
So . . . it’s funny how I always pray that these middle of the week studies LIVE on Facebook will encourage you and feed your soul, but the truth is these LIVE videos always pump me up! Some days I don’t feel like I have anything left in me to give after teaching 6th, 7th, and 8th graders all day, but God always blesses me in the process, and I love sharing with you. If you can’t join us on Wednesday, visit my YouTube channel. Subscribe to receive it each week, and please be sure to like the videos and leave a comment since you didn’t get to comment with us on Facebook. I will try to respond.
Waiting With You with Much Hope,
PS. Join the conversation and share what you do while you wait that helps you find peace and patience, or share what you are waiting on that I can be praying for you.
[…] favor. If you’re just joining us take some time to read the last few articles about waiting with hope, God’s perfect timing, and when God says “no.” Grab your favorite cuppa and spend […]
[…] week we talked about waiting on God and how hard it can be. All of us have spent time in the “waiting room” of life. And […]
Hi Andy, just love this week’s study!! Proverbs 3:5-6 are a few key verses that seriously kept me walking with Jesus for a time years ago. It was all I could do to see the tiniest glimmer of light waaayy down a dark tunne. So if I could stay focused on the PROMISE that God understands what’s going on in my world when I don’t then all would be ok. As long as I did my part to trust and to stand for Him, then I would be ok. Just to fully know this can give you undeniable and unexplainable peace while you wait. It’s a lesson in patience I ( you) will never forget and can look back on and still learn from. Blessing to you!
Hey Karla! I love these truths too. I had such fun writing it. Thanks so much for sharing your story. God is so faithful to bring us through! Blessings, -Andy