Bible study, Jesus, morning quiet times, Paul, Pontius Pilate, puppies, rain, treasure hunt, Truth

Treasure Hunts on Rainy Days: Finding Nuggets of Golden Truth in the Bible

“What is truth?” Pilate asked (John 18:38).

I was on a treasure hunt this morning. A Scripture treasure hunt. Have you gone on one lately?

It always starts with one verse that jumps out at me with a question. Then one verse leads to another until I end at a pot of gold.

Fitting for this rainy morning. My usual freckled-faced starry sky was muddy with clouds. No twinkling friends, my usual reward for rising before dawn, awaited to greet me. I strained to silence my complaints while I stood in the rain waiting for Jack the puppy to decide where the best place was for his morning duty. Of course, he wanted to go out several times today. 

Once we finally settled down inside, content puppy asleep on his blanket, I could start my journey into the breathing book (AKA my Bible) waiting patiently for me beside my rocker. Silent house. Sleeping dog. Rain outside my window. A good combination for time with Him.

I read: “Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. In the sight of God, who gives life to everything, and of Christ Jesus, who while testifying to Pontius Pilate made the good confession…” (1 Timothy 6:13).

I was drinking in this charge by Paul, letting the words penetrate my own heart until I came to a screeching halt as I read of Christ’s confession to Pilate.  And my mind went from absorbing to questioning. What did He say?

This sent me to my next point on my treasure hunt. Thanks to a study-Bible the reference was printed there for me to find. I quickly flipped back through my Bible to John 18. Listen to Jesus’ confession: “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest. But now my kingdom is from another place….”

If our feet ever get too heavy walking in this often muddy world, all we need to know is there is another place waiting for us. Comforting reminder on this muddy day.

That was just the beginning. My treasure hunt continued. More on Wednesday.

What jewels did you find today in your time with God?

Much grace,


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