
If I’m a Christian, Why Am I Not Happy? (A Study on Joy)

      Do you compare yourself to your friend who seems too happy all. the. time? Do you find yourself questioning, “Why am I not happy?! I’m a Christian! Where’s the joy?” Well, my friends, join the “struggling for joy crowd.” We all have our days, weeks, months, and years when joy seems unattainable. The other day, a good …

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The Fruit of the Spirit: What is True Love?

Love. It’s a word that stirs up different images and feelings for each of us. A word defined by culture. I think our grandparents or great-grandparents would define it differently than we. But what is true love? According to an article on the site Life, Hope, and Truth, by Eddie Foster,  “Love” has been horribly abused in today’s world. It has …

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Bite of Bread

Bible Reading Plan on “Called” #BiteofBread

My voice lacks volume. It’s like it’s turned down, and I can’t adjust the knob, not much anyway. Some days it’s worse than others. When my kids were little, I could never yell loud enough for my sons to hear me call them back into the house for supper. After three or four attempts I’d have to find my daughter …

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salvation, Uncategorized

6 Ways to Fill a Thirsty Soul

  I like summertime because the heat causes me to want to drink more water. I’ve never been good at keeping hydrated with that clear, tasteless stuff. But I’m learning to appreciate it more and more as I get older and wiser, and I really enjoy it when I’m thirsty. Nothing quenches my thirst like water. So, it’s good for …

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