smiling womanfaith

Humility Goes a Long Way

Humility Doesn’t Demand She no longer could sit on her hands. Ruth HAD to do SOMETHING. They desperately needed food, so Ruth did what she could. She’d heard that Naomi’s God allowed widows and foreigners to glean in harvested fields, and Ruth was both–a foreigner and a widow. She fit the requirements, so she bravely stepped into a field and …

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The Kindness, Mercy, and Faithfulness of God- His Chesed

Chesed is an ancient Hebrew word. One that most Americans don’t know. I have a framed version on my desk at school, and it often receives questions and funny looks. “What’s . . . CH-EES-D?” they ask. I smile and relish the opportunity to tell about my favorite attribute of God, and I think the most important piece of God’s …

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You Are A Shining Light in A Dark World

Lights can make the darkest night beautiful. They can be one color or many, twinkle or stare down the dark. They wrap around trees and homes and bring cheer to our hearts even those grieving. Some Christmas light displays don’t represent a holy night, but there’s something special that shining lights do. It’s more than how they turn a home …

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Restlessness, Uncategorized

Let God Settle Your Restless Heart

  Do you know that feeling of a restless heart? Sometimes we experience it even though life isn’t  too bad. Things are good, but we just can’t shake the feeling that something is missing or needs to be fixed. We’ve lost our joy. We’re not happy. The things that used to be fulfilling are not. Other times our circumstances are …

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