As I clipped through my morning walk, accusations of failure threatened my joy despite the beautiful day and my blessings. The accusations were my own thoughts running through my head. You know the ones. There the ones the Enemy likes to use to distract us and stop us from our purposes. Parenting is hard. I’ve made so many mistakes. We …
Bite of Bread: God’s Abundance, Fullness and Kindness
Less is more . . . right? Well, not always. Last weekend my house was filled with flowers, both real and fake, as we celebrated my daughter’s upcoming wedding. I love flowers. In fact I forget how much I love them until I allow myself to buy a fresh bouquet. My interior decorating style wavers between modern-minimalist and traditional, so …
The Need for White Space: Three Ways to Create It
I rearranged furniture last weekend to accommodate a large group coming to my house. We moved in chairs for the extra bodies that would be in the room. But once the guests were gone and the chairs returned to their original rooms, I decided that I would leave the coffee table where I’d moved it, in the middle …
Strength and Joy in the Standing Place of God
I’ve noticed something about myself that I’ve never noticed before. I need to be alone. I need silence. Do you? I bet you do–maybe even more than you know. Whether you’re a momma with small children or an almost empty-nester like me–we need a quiet moment in the day to recharge our spirits. But not just any kind of silence will …
Bite of Bread: Faith Strengthener
I’ve been trying to strengthen my legs. I don’t like the flab around the knees and want to define the muscles. I know. It’s vanity. But it’s also wanting to stay healthy and strong. There are days when I wish that wishing would do the trick. But it doesn’t. Only physically working those muscles strengthens them. My faith is …