As I walked a fast pace on the treadmill at the gym this morning listening to worship music stream through my earphones, I was reminded that just as one part of the body is connected to another, so our mind, body, and soul are connected with each other. It is important to take care of all three! I get so focused on my spirit, that I sometimes forget how exercising my body especially with worship music in my ears can stimulate my spirit. And sometimes I get so caught up in reading my Bible (a good thing) I forget the pleasure of learning through reading other books that help open my mind to what others have learned from the Lord. It is important to keep on learning.
When I turned 40, I resolved to try to learn something new and challenging each year. So, around five years ago I learned to drive a stick-shift (manual transmission). This had always terrified me. I’m almost 45, and I can now tell you that I even (kind of) enjoy sticks now! It is a wonderful thing to combat your fears. This victory has been a great teaching tool for me spiritually too because it has proven to me that I often fear things I shouldn’t.
This year I’m determined to learn the art of using chop-stix. (I am married to an Asian man after all!) It’s not as huge as driving a manual transmission, but when I realized why I don’t use them (it’s embarrassing when I fail) I realized I had to overcome this fear and belief that I can’t do it. The next time we order Chinese, I’m asking for chop-stix! I’m also determined to walk 4 days a week with music in my ears.
I will end this rambling post with pom-poms in my hands, and a cheer in my heart for those of you reading. I hope you will consider these resolutions:
1. Resolve to do some kind of exercise three times a week and if possible do it with worship music. I realize some of you are fighting disease, if this prevents you from doing some of the exercises you would like, simply do what you can if even from your chair or bed. I know it’s possible. I watched a physical therapist work with my sister when she was sick. Don’t forget the worship music!
2. Next, be in the Word of God daily, but also keep alert for other books that will deepen that quiet time with the Lord. I am reading Captivating by John and Stasi Eldridge. It is wonderful!
3. Try something or resolve to learn something new or intimidating- perhaps something you have feared.
4. Share with us some of your resolutions for 2011. It’s always fun to hear what others have resolved to do and partner with you in prayer for your endeavors.
May we work on mind, body, and soul this year! Hallelujah!
Much love my friends,
“For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love, and of
self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7).