faith, prayer

If You’re Holding on by a Thread

Somebody needs this today.     Hang it on the wall of your heart. Read it often and repeat out loud. [tweetability]This is one time it’s good to say “never.”[/tweetability] The Lord is with you. He is mighty to save. Don’t believe the whispers telling you differently. They aren’t from Him. Want to pray with me? Grab my hand. “Lord …

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faith, Uncategorized, Word Wednesday

The Disappearance of Enoch: Faith that Takes You (Word Wednesday on Friday)

    The fiery glow of day’s promise lingered deep beneath the horizon. Darkness touched the earth; no glow escaped, but I knew the sun was on her way. I expected her in an hour or so. I needed to start writing this post. As I sat in my sleeping house, (I love that kind of quiet) my Bible open, …

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