Nothing changes if nothing changes.
Are you a “glass half full” person or is your glass always half empty?
Does worry consume your thoughts?
Jesus said, “The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come that the may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10
Do you feel you have that “full” life Christ spoke of?
If not, something needs to change, and the place we must start is with our mind.
Enjoy the reading plan this week my friends. It’s all about refocusing. On Wednesday I’ll be writing about the 2 prayers that change your life. They will help you with your thoughts. Hope to see you Wednesday!
Now grab your Bible, gather your journal and pen, light a candle. Did you make tea or coffee? I’ve got my coffee poured. Reading, journaling, and changing with you as I let Jesus renew the way I think.
With Joy,