I can’t help it. I’m a football fan sort of. I mean, I don’t own an official NFL jersey; I normally cheer for the underdog or whoever has the quarterback I respect, and I’m more or less a fair weathered fan. But when the nights come early and the cold chill keeps me inside with my fleece pants and fuzzy slippers, the little Oklahoma girl in me who grew up watching the Dallas Cowboys faithfully every Sunday or Monday night, must turn on the television and watch a football game or two.
What are some of your autumn traditions?
Pumpkin bread?
Pumpkin pie?
Hopefully . . .
Enjoy the Bite of Bread this week as we continue to read scriptures about giving thanks. Pour your coffee; grab that journal, and scoop up your favorite Bible.
Join us on our Fellowship page this week as we discuss the BOB.
Thankful for you,