Something wonderful happened this morning. It was 68 degrees with no humidity! (That I could feel.)This is the first morning in weeks that I just had to get out of my house to go for a walk. Hallelujah! As I clipped down the road with my music in my ears and my brain focusing on the post for today, I couldn’t …
Angel Watching Over My Stephen
Well, this is it. My first little bird is flying out of the nest. He’s going away to college tomorrow. We’ve been trying to plan carefully for everything he will need in his dorm room. I’ve questioned seasoned parents and received great advice. Enough underwear and socks for three weeks is the best I’ve heard so far! (Thanks Pat!) We …
Enjoyed by Jesus
Our lives have value and importance specifically because God enjoys us. This all may seem too good to be true, but it is true–gloriously true. We are defined by the One who pursues us. We are not just the sum total of what we accomplish. We are defined as important by the virtue of the One who wants us, loves …
His Favorite
“A Rose” by Akiane Kramarik In realizing that we are God’s favorite, we gain specific advantages in the battle for our hearts, our minds, our peace, our joy. The enemy accuses us on two fonts. First, he tells us that we’re rejected by God rather than beloved. Second, he says we’re not sincere in our love of God because our …
The Nearness of God
But for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made Adonai ELOHIM my refuge, so that I can tell of all of your works. Psalm 73:28 (Complete Jewish Bible) God calls each of us to proclaim His love. Some are called to their neighbors, some to nations. But whether to neighbors or nations, we can’t fulfill this …