Bible study, purpose

Do You Live an “Out of the Ordinary” Life?

  “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” ~Jesus  (John 10:10 NIV) full= The Greek word is perissos. According to Strong’s dictionary it’s used several ways: Abundance, Advantage, Anything more, In Abundance, Out of the Ordinary, Beyond Measure. ( I’ve always wondered what Jesus …

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Bible study, calling, Mary of Bethany, Uncategorized

Word Wednesday: Agathos/ Better or Useful?

I’m sharing a little bit of A Mary Like Me today. This is one of my favorite chapters…well…personally, I like all of the chapters, but THIS ONE is close to my heart. The book was written to encourage women to step out into their calling. Sometimes we compare ourselves to talented peers and saintly biblical women and decide we can’t …

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