
The Fruit of the Spirit: What is True Love?

Love. It’s a word that stirs up different images and feelings for each of us. A word defined by culture. I think our grandparents or great-grandparents would define it differently than we. But what is true love? According to an article on the site Life, Hope, and Truth, by Eddie Foster,  “Love” has been horribly abused in today’s world. It has …

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faith, Holy Spirit, Uncategorized, Word Wednesday

Evidence that God Keeps His Word: The Holy Spirit

She spoke of hearing from God with an assurance I did not have. There was something different about her. Confidence. Peace. Wisdom. And I wanted it. Looking back, I had experienced such grace before, but I didn’t recognize that voice as the Holy Spirit of Jesus inside me–I just thought it was me. But I didn’t walk in the power …

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Bite of Bread

Bite of Bread: Bible Reading Plan on Joy

  Joy. It’s more than happy. Happy relies on good circumstances that can crumble in a moment. But joy. Joy bubbles from deep places and does not rely on the fleeting satisfaction this world offers. Joy isn’t something we can force or muster. It simply is a fruit of the Spirit. Grab a pen, jot down these verses and meet …

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