You have a ministry and Holy Spirit will lead you in that ministry every day. You don’t have to be called to be a pastor, preacher, or worship leader to have a ministry, you have one simply because you are a follower of Christ. Latest YouTube Message
Do You Live an “Out of the Ordinary” Life?
“The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” ~Jesus (John 10:10 NIV) full= The Greek word is perissos. According to Strong’s dictionary it’s used several ways: Abundance, Advantage, Anything more, In Abundance, Out of the Ordinary, Beyond Measure. ( I’ve always wondered what Jesus …
Have You Missed Your Calling?
She was an older lady… sweet smile, shiny eyes. As we walked toward the room where we were meeting she said, “I always believed God called me to the mission field, but it didn’t turn out that way.” My heart skipped a beat, and I felt tears threatening. Her words were so sad to me. Deep sad. We didn’t have a chance …