scripture list, thankfulness

5 Scriptures of Thankfulness for a Lifestyle of Thanksgiving

  I’m thankful for a day set aside specifically for me to say “thanks”–to focus on what I have and not what I don’t. [tweetability]But I want my thankfulness to be a lifestyle rather than a one day event.[/tweetability] Sometimes I need help in the “thank you, God” department. These scriptures help. They give me eternal words to pray and …

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What if You Woke Up Tomorrow Only to What You Thanked God for Today?

{This image is a gift to you! Please share and use however you want.} As a friend and I closed our phone conversation the other day, she said, “Oh…oh…oh.. I have to ask you something somebody asked me the other day.” She paused for a thoughtful moment and then shot this question through the airwaves. “If you woke up tomorrow to …

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Bite of Bread

Bite of Bread: Don’t forget to Feed Your Spirit

This is a busy week for many of us. We will be busy preparing for Thanksgiving, running around buying turkeys and all the fixings for a bountiful meal. I’ll probably go to the grocery six times before the holiday actually arrives. (I always forget something, get home, and think of another ingredient I need.) Some of us will be cleaning …

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faith, Holy Spirit, Uncategorized, Word Wednesday

Evidence that God Keeps His Word: The Holy Spirit

She spoke of hearing from God with an assurance I did not have. There was something different about her. Confidence. Peace. Wisdom. And I wanted it. Looking back, I had experienced such grace before, but I didn’t recognize that voice as the Holy Spirit of Jesus inside me–I just thought it was me. But I didn’t walk in the power …

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