Cultivating Kindness in This Season of Hate

It’s been a devastating week of death, hatred, and injustice. Sorrow has manifested in riots and destruction since the death of George Floyd. Our country needs healing. I believe kindness could begin the process. The kindness I’m talking about does not come natural to us. As broken people living in a shattered world where discrimination, fear, and hatred often force …

War Scriptures for Worriers

I really hate it when I’m trying to pray, and worries sneak in. Before I know it, I’m worrying rather than warring. I’d rather be a warrior than a worrier, and I want you to be a warrior too. We need each other. We need warring sisters fighting the good fight with us. Thankfully, we aren’t alone, and that is …

3 Ways to Battle Discouragement

The other day, out of the blue, discouragement washed over me. Words spoken poured over my soul like a bucket of cold water. I’m about to confess something to you that took me by surprise, so when I tell you, please don’t think less of me. I can’t believe the thought came to my mind either. I actually thought, “God …