Bite of Bread: Bible Wisdom for 2016

  I’ve read a thousand articles on setting goals, making resolutions, and choosing my One Word for the new year. Well, maybe not a thousand, but that seemed to be the thing all of us writers were focused on lately. We attempted to give you advice from what has worked for us.Which is what writers do. But I know that …

Stepping into Identity and Purpose

I’ve been writing a new Bible study on the book of Esther. Esther is a story of an orphaned Jewish girl and her adopted father, both exiles in a foreign land, who save their people. Though my study on Ruth still waits to be inked and bound while the machines are repaired–a month or so passed the original release date, I’ve …

Celebrating my Soldier on Veterans Day

I was not going to date one of those soldiers much less marry one! That was my firm stance. After accepting a job teaching middle school Language Arts on a Army post in Texas, I refuted the prophecy of the superintendent hiring me. He predicted I would be a military wife in two years. And he was right. A tall, …

I’m Compelled

Sometimes I wonder if I’m crazy. Authors are either audacious or brave or both. What makes us think we have something to say? Doubts fill my mind. But as a blogger, writer, author, I’m finding that my “job” is not about the writing or the blog or the books or any of this. It’s about a compelling.  I am compelled to …