At the Foot of the Cross

No doubt, there were days when Mary questioned it all. Days when she felt unqualified to raise the Son of God, days when she didn’t understand Jesus’ actions or the way His ministry was unfolding before her eyes. Oh, she held on to Gabriel’s words for all they were worth. And she often found her thoughts taking her back to …

5 Sparrows for Your Worries

A sweet friend e-mailed me on Friday asking if I was okay. My post Friday was a mere sentence plus a scripture verse. Maybe you noticed too. I’ve written short posts before, but that was a record. Just in case you were worried, I’m okay, just harried and in need of some Holy Spirit perspective and clarity. At the time, …

The Take-Out Conversation

I have these conversations all the time. Sometimes they involve someone else, but most of the time the dialogue goes back and forth in my own head. I call them “take-out conversations” because they quite simply take me out. (Actually, I got this term from my friend, Kristin.) Something is said or a thought goes through my mind that is the knock …


For three things I thank God every day of my life:thanks that he has vouchsafed me knowledge of his works;deep thanks that he has set in my darkness the lamp of faith;deep, deepest thanks that I have another life to look forward to–a life joyous with light and flowers and heavenly song.                                                                                Helen Keller I almost hate messing up the …

On my walking route in our neighborhood, there is a path that goes through a wooded area and opens up to two man-made ponds. I love walking around the ponds because there is always something fun to see. Last year I watched a family of ducks grow up before my eyes. Mom would take the babies to swim lessons while …