My Resolution Redefined: Persevere

Some people hate New Year’s resolutions because they can never keep them. I know I won’t keep them faithfully, but I still love to make them. They give me hope. A pastor in Wilmington, Mike Ashcraft, came up with a great way to replace those pesky resolutions. He teaches about choosing One Word to inspire the year. Click on the blue words to read about the …

Have You Missed Your Calling?

She was an older lady… sweet smile, shiny eyes. As we walked toward the room where we were meeting she said, “I always believed God called me to the mission field, but it didn’t turn out that way.” My heart skipped a beat, and I felt tears threatening. Her words were so sad to me. Deep sad. We didn’t have a chance …

How to have Joy despite Your Circumstances

Remember that joy is not dependent on your circumstances….True joy is the by-product of living in My Presence. Therefore you can experience it in palaces, in prisons…anywhere (Jesus Calling October 5). I need to be reminded of this. Sometimes when I’m stuck in the middle of my calling–it’s been years since I’ve heard the call, yet I’m just half-way to getting to where I think …