Sometimes it is difficult to know if you should let something go, like a job, or keep on doing it. It’s hard to discern if we are feeling God’s nudge, or our own emotions.
A few years ago I worked as a care assistant for an elderly neighbor.
It was the one paying job on my daily eclectic list of things to do. It only took an hour or so of my day, but I felt a pressing in my spirit to stop working.
There was a restlessness in me. The joy of the job waned, and I really felt God was nudging me to trust Him and let go. It was a hard decision because this involved helping someone in need, yet I knew I had to quit that job out of obedience to God.
It’s hard to put obedience and sacrifice in perspective.
As Christians, we hold the mind-set that we must sacrifice to please God. Doesn’t God want me to sacrifice my time and talents for others in need? The answer is yes, unless He is calling me to something else.
This scripture puts obedience and sacrifice in perspective:
Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as he delights in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams (1Samuel 15:22).
To obey is better than sacrifice.
After letting go of my job, I discovered peace, joy, and productivity. I found that typing on this laptop for hours, writing about faith, was my passion. I felt guilty enjoying my work so much. But I knew I was doing exactly what I was supposed to be doing. I had obeyed God.
Sometimes obedience doesn’t make worldly sense.
The job I quit was my one small pay check I got twice a month. My neighbor needed my help. But God is greater than any pay check and any need.
[bctt tweet=”God is greater than any pay check and any need.” username=”wordsbyandylee”]
I had to trust Him for my life and for hers.
I’ve discovered that God’s call (99% of the time) does not make sense from our worldly perspective. But I’ve found time and time again that when I’m restless–stressed, frustrated, too busy, and irritable, I need to sit and listen to the One who is trying to show me the better way.
I love this quote from one of my favorite saints:
Do you have time to be with God?
Are you able to do the things that you are passionate about or are you too busy? I believe God gave you that passion and gifting for an eternal purpose. It might not be for money, but it is definitely for The Kingdom.
Has God been nudging you to let something go?
Can you trust Him?
There’s an old hymn we sang in our tiny Methodist church almost every Sunday. I can still hear my momma’s nimble hands hit each chord and Louise Morton’s slightly pitchy yet heart-felt soprano carry the melody. The chorus was this:
Trust and obey, for there is no other way,
To be happy in Jesu-u-u-u-u-s-s-s-s, but to trust and obey. (John H. Sammis)
(If you have time, click on John’s name to read the entire hymn.)
I can’t think of a better way to end this post than with a prayer. Grab my hand.
“Dear God, thank you for nudging us. Thank you for keeping us restless until we’ve finally surrendered to your wisdom. I pray for ears to hear and hearts to respond. I pray for greater measures of faith to obey rather than sacrifice. Holy Spirit empower us to let go and trust you with the future. We love you, Jesus. Amen.”
Digging Deep to Trust,
This post first appeared as “Is God Telling you to let Something Go?” Oct. 2015. An oldie, but goody. I felt the nudge to share. :)
Andy, I really needed this one! I screen-shot Corrie’s famous-but-forgotten ( by me) quote about busy-ness to remind me often that my busy-ness might be my kind of badness! I love you and appreciate your faithfulness to your work. Enjoy your last two days of being … ahem.. the age that you are
. May another ring around your trunk make you even wiser ( if any of us can imagine such a thing! )
Hey Jan, so glad this helped you! Yay God! Now go quit what you need to quit. :) Much love.
Sometimes, at least for me recently, it is the opposite. I announce I am quitting. I am done. And then God makes it clear. Not yet. Soon, but not yet. I want to reclaim time spent so decide to quit. Not yet, God says. And all my time is God’s. Not mine anyway.
LOL! I can hear you Patricia! Yay God! He will make it clear if we are to keep on holding on or let go. He gives us the grace to keep doing it too. :) Thanks for sharing! XXOO