cancer, faith, Terrorist, Uncategorized

Statement of Faith in the Middle of Crisis

Two friends of mine died of  cancer this month.  They were both blonde and beautiful, just like my sister. And they both fought their battle bravely and full of faith. As I was praying about what to write, I began looking through my “cancer” post archives, and I came across this statement of faith that I wrote shortly after my …

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faith, Holy Spirit, Uncategorized, Word Wednesday

Evidence that God Keeps His Word: The Holy Spirit

She spoke of hearing from God with an assurance I did not have. There was something different about her. Confidence. Peace. Wisdom. And I wanted it. Looking back, I had experienced such grace before, but I didn’t recognize that voice as the Holy Spirit of Jesus inside me–I just thought it was me. But I didn’t walk in the power …

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faith, Uncategorized, Word Wednesday

What it Means to be a New Creation in Christ

    When my kids were toddlers, the first word out of their sweet little mouths (besides “I love my wonderful mama!” wink-wink) was a word that baffled me. I never said it to them (I don’t think). It just floated out of those babies’ lips. They’d grab a toy out of another child’s hands and claim possession whether it …

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