Bite of Bread

Bite of Bread: God Loves You


I know. I missed the opportunity. Valentines Day was last week.Hearts

But it’s still fresh on my mind because of the Godiva chocolates on my desk and the roses on my dinner table. And just like every holiday, I feel I’m more thoughtful of the moment after it passes.

Valentines Day is one of those holidays we need to practice all year round, but it helps to have a day set aside that reminds me to do little extra things for those I love.

But I need more than one day.

So. . . would you like to join me in extending this Love holiday through the month of February?

[tweetability]Let’s perform some random acts of kindness to our friends, neighbors, and co-workers and strangers.[/tweetability]

But before we do this, it’s hard to give what you don’t have. And some of us are lacking in the feeling loved department. We need to feel loved by others, but there is only one love that can fill us up, and that love is from God Himself.

[tweetability]When we experience God’s love, we are made whole.[/tweetability]

Bite of Bread God loves you



Gather your journals, pens, and Bible. Light a candle and pour a hot drink. Sit with the one who loves you forever. He knew you before the beginning of time. He knows how many hairs are on your head, and He knows all of your sins but has cast them as far as the east is from the west.

You are loved. I pray you believe it.


What random act of kindness do you plan to do this week? Leave a comment! That counts as one! Thank you for stopping by. I’m thankful for you. Come back later this week for a giveaway!






  1. Stacey

    Thanks for the post Andy, needed the reminder of love today.

    1. Thanks Stacey! I need it daily.

  2. Cheryl Johnston

    My husband didn’t go to church with me yesterday. Instead, when he went to buy roses, he used his spray bottle of “Off Insect Spray” to clean an elderly woman’s headlights (it really works; don’t spend big $ to have it done). Apparently, she was so touched that someone would do something nice for her, that she cried. Then another gentleman watching what had happened struck up a spiritual conversation with RJ. He asked him for his favorite verse. So my pray, that the Lord would reach out to my husband while I was at church, was answered in a precious way. I’ll be looking for something I can do as well this week.

    1. Cheryl! That is such a wonderful story. Thank you so much for sharing it. And I’m going to have to try the Off Insect Repellent trick on my headlights. They are awful! LOL! It’s a 2 for one random act of kindness! Can’t wait to meet you!

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