
Yahweh Yireh (Jehovah Jireh) is the God Who Provides

God provides. I’ve experienced his provision in so many ways. I’m sure you have too. I cannot think of a better way to prepare our hearts during this season of Lent than focusing on the ways God has provided for us and promises to provide for the future. With the cost of food and gas, wars, border issues, and division …

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self controlfaith, fruit of the spirit

How to Gain Godly Self-Control

The definition of self-control is: “the virtue of one who masters his desires and passions.” What a powerful virtue. All the virtues of the Holy Spirit, like love, joy, and peace play important roles in our lives, but we can’t overlook self-control even though it falls at the end of the Fruit of the Spirit. Like the song says, “What …

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