Repentance for country's healingfaith

3 Aspects of Repentance and Why We Need to Do It Now

Repentance is not a very popular topic. Personally, I’d rather write about worship or grace. Yet, since the pandemic, a lot of  preachers and speakers are telling Americans to repent. I struggled with this at first. Do we need to? This sent me to my knees asking God to show me what repentance really is and what He wants us …

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31 scriptures on worshipfaith

31 Days of Worship

Friends, do you miss worship? Most of us continue to watch our church on Facebook. We listen to the worship leader, but it’s not the same as worshiping in a large group. While Covid-19 keeps many of us from gathering in our church buildings, and local and state authorities give their best suggestions to keep us healthy, our hearts need …

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Discerning Prophecyfaith

3 Keys to Help Discern Today’s Prophecies

It seems every time I open Facebook, someone has sent me a new video of a prophecy about our country. Honestly, I usually ignore them (sorry), but last week I watched two. After listening to these men, both pastors, I immediately noticed three very different things about their prophecy. And that prompted this article and reading plan. Prophecy can be …

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