Friends, do you miss worship? Most of us continue to watch our church on Facebook. We listen to the worship leader, but it’s not the same as worshiping in a large group.
While Covid-19 keeps many of us from gathering in our church buildings, and local and state authorities give their best suggestions to keep us healthy, our hearts need each other. And we need to worship God together.
I believe God is purifying His bride. It’s time my sisters to rise to His call, to seek His face harder than ever. It’s time to intentionally focus on worship.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the Lord . . . .
Jeremiah 29: 11-14
Difficult Seasons are Invitations to Praise
With the threat of the virus, and our country divided, it might feel like He’s left the house. Where is God? If you want to know where He is, spend time intentionally worshiping Him. The Bible promises that God’s presence resides in the praises of His people.
O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer,
Psalm 22: 2-5 ESV
and by night, but I find no rest.
3 Yet you are holy,
enthroned on the praises of Israel.
4 In you our fathers trusted;
they trusted, and you delivered them.
5 To you they cried and were rescued;
in you they trusted and were not put to shame.
A footnote on Biblegateway for 22:3 says, “Or dwelling in the praise of Israel.” I love this. God dwelt with them in the wilderness. He told Moses to build the Tabernacle, a Temple-on-the-go. Every time God told the Israelites to move, they packed the Tabernacle and carried it to their next destination.

Worshiping God Intentionally Can Be Life Changing
A long time ago, I heard a message about worshiping God 24/7 whether you felt like it or not. Worship washing dishes. Praise Him changing dirty diapers. Sing when you’re heartbroken. Praise. Him. All. The. Time.
And so I began to implement this new way of life. I played worship music most of the day, and I would intentionally sing out loud (if no other adults were in the room.) I believe this changed me because as I praised Him, He was there. But worshiping God is more than listening to your favorite Christian band. Natali Regoli of Connect Us writes:
True worship is lived out every minute of every day. Paul tells us in Romans that we should give up our bodies in a sacrificial way, and let our minds be constantly renewed by the Holy Spirit. He says that this is an acceptable act of worship. Far greater than any song we could sing, wholehearted worship is a life that praises God for His mercy and grace, and that seeks to show others what that grace and mercy has done in our lives.
Natalie Regoli
The Enemy’s Plan to Stop Worship
A battle continues in the heavenlies. Our fight is not against flesh and blood. It’s not against a virus or the color of our skin, but who we will worship. Satan cannot stand worship of God the Father. And he’s doing all he can to prevent our worship, to silence our voice.
Now more than ever I feel it’s vital that we intensify our worship to God. It’s powerful when we are all together lifting our voices, but if that’s not possible right now, how powerful would it be if thousands of us intentionally focus on worship for the next 31 days? Though not in one place, our voices will be one as we proclaim scriptures of praise out loud, fall on our knees bowed to the Lord, hands lifted to the Holy One of Israel who inhabits the praise of His people.
Do you want to join me in this battle? Do you want to help me fight the good fight of faith together lifting our voices in worship? We are the army of God my friends. It’s time to fight in praise.
31 Days of Worship To Fight the Good Fight and Experience God’s Presence [Bite of Bread Reading Plan]
I wrote the Bite of Bread differently this time. Rather than a one-week plan, this will take you through an entire month of quiet times with the Lord.

Also, instead of the normal printable with the scriptures printed out with prompts, this printable contains the verse and lines to journal a prayer of praise using the scripture as a springboard for your praise.
Here’s a peak of the free printable:(Click here.)
How to use this plan
Wake up early or find that space in the day when you will not be super rushed. When my kids were small, my quiet time was during their nap time (if I didn’t fall asleep first!) Make your time with the Lord special. Light a candle, pour a cup of coffee or hot tea, and gather your Bible, journal, and this plan. Before you read, breathe in deep, eyes closed, and ask the Lord to speak to you today as you read His Word. Don’t forget to exhale. 😊
Read the scripture and turn it into a prayer. Write your prayer down in your journal. As you write the scripture, add your words of praise and worship. Make the verse your own. Personalize it with your heart, desires, thankfulness, and words of praise. He is such a good God.
Other powerful ways to use scriptures of praise is to read out loud standing up or on your knees. After you’ve spent some time in the scripture and writing in your journal, wait on God. Sip your coffee and simply wait in silence. If you receive anything from Him, write it down. You are so loved. Love Him back with your time and these verses of praise. This is how we fight the good fight.
Grab the free printable for your quiet time.
Winds of Change are Coming
I’ve felt a tug on my heart, a nudge from Holy Spirit prompting change. I wasn’t sure how that would look or even how to do it, but I think this 31-Day reading plan is the beginning of a new season at Some of us love change and others don’t, but I would love your feedback after you’ve tried this new Bite of Bread format.
I’m also taking a breather from the Live teachings, and I’m not sure when they will resume, but I will be making new videos for the launch of Bite of Bread TV. Until then, if you are missing my teaching, please go to my channel and search what you’re hungry for. I’ve got a bazillion videos. (Okay, maybe just 500 ish.) Anyway, you can watch them and see the many hairdos of Andy Lee. (LOL!)

Sale at the Chesed Store!

Finally, If you haven’t visited it yet, I’ve got a new store here on my site with chesed jewelry and books. The jewelry is on sale through August 15! So, check it out! And if you aren’t subscribed to my tribe, take a minute to subscribe so you won’t miss the special discount codes I’ll be sending my peeps. (Scroll down to find the subscribe box.)
You rock. You are loved, cherished, called, and equipped by a loving God. Worship Him intentionally. Your life will never be the same.

Andy, this is so right on! As our small Sunday night group met last night we heard the same thing—it’s time to worship & pray! That’s what God desires right now.
I’m doing this 31 days for worship with you.
Have a safe and blessed trip my friend. See you soon.
Thank you, Sandy! I love when Holy Spirit is speaking to all of us the same word. Thanks for doing this with me! Much love.
Wanted to say a Big Thank you for the study on Worship (praise). I made a commitment to not only participate but to COMPLETE the study and I did it!!! It was so rewarding and refreshing to make Jesus my priority each morning, study His Word, praise him, have prayer and wait on the Holy Spirit. It was good to work on my self discipline as I set one on one time with my LORD and Savior. Looking forward to more studying. Thank you again. Tina
Hi Tina! I’m so excited you did every single day! Isn’t it sweet to sit in the silence with Him? Thank you for letting me know! Hope you’ll do September with us. Much love.