America, Holy Spirit, The Gospel

An Inspired Moment

In America we’ve confused the Gospel, the promise of a changed life, as a life without hardships, illness, debt, or undesirable living situations. I’ve come to realize the error and danger of this doctrine. I’ve seen people turn away from God when life is still difficult and complicated.

But Jesus desires to change our hearts first. He won’t repair our lives until He can repair our hearts. That place of repair can only be found when we want our hearts to change. When we recognize our sin and our need for Jesus. When we come to Him asking for a heart transplant rather than a new house. That’s when the Living Water can enter into our souls.

When the Holy Spirit fills us, circumstantial disappointments fade away.
~ A Mary Like Me
I found this today. I was stuck as I stared at my blank computer screen not feeling any inspiration to write. So, I went back to my hope, and this is what I found. Honestly, I thought…who wrote that? Really? That came out of my brain? And God said, “No.”
“It came from Mine.”
I love it when He does that! I hope this inspired moment blesses you today. I would love to hear your inspired moments too.
Much grace and peace,

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