Faithfulness. It’s a word that means steady and trustworthy. It’s something all of us need. We need faithful friends, lovers, and teachers. But we live in a world where faithfulness is not valued. Whether it’s in marriage or a job, many don’t work through the hard times. It’s easier to flee. I’m not pointing fingers or trying to be negative Nellie, just trying to make my point that in a world of faithlessness there is a God who will never leave us or forsake us. There is a Savior who will walk with us to the depths and the heights, hold our hands when hearts break, and rejoice with us when glad tidings are sung. Immanuel is with us.
I Am Faithful
For years now God’s faithfulness has become a recurrent whisper in my ear. Time and time again he’s nudged my spirit, “I’m faithful.” Like a gentle spring breeze his words soothe discouragement seeping in. It never fails to calm my soul and curl the edges of my lips, and I find myself repeating the mantra.
“He is faithful.”
When my mother’s Alzheimer’s progressed beyond an assistant-care facilities ability to care for her, I found myself stomping my foot and crying out to God, “You are faithful! If you aren’t going to heal, show your faithfulness!” I would like to tell you that the prayer was one of faith, but it was really one of anger and disappointment. While I lived in Boston, I was forced to depend on the Lord to provide for my mom in Texas where my sister searched for the new place.
The call came a few days later that a facility had been recently built by a Presbyterian church. It was a beautiful building, worthy of my sweet mother who could no longer talk. God also answered my prayer for her to be loved by the staff. When I visited, they would tell me how much they loved her smile and gregarious laugh. Though Parkinson’s left her stiff, unable to move, her smile rarely faded.
When I got off the phone that day, the Lord whispered, “I am faithful.”

When God is Faithful
I have a thousand memories of God’s faithfulness in my life—too many to share in this post, but a trip to Puerto Rico recently has reminded me again, because I tend to forget, how very faithful he is. This trip prompted the Bite of Bread topic for this month. As I flew through the clouds 10,000 feet in the air and thanked him for this unforeseen blessing, he reminded me of another trip ten years ago when he took me to another tropical island for rest and healing.
My sister had died from a brutal battle with cancer, and my heart had suffered a devastating wound. I no longer trusted my ability to hear God. My anger had passed, and I had come back to faith to trust his goodness, but the wound still oozed. I needed my Physician. So, in his great mercy the Lord orchestrated a trip to Costa Rica during the rainy season. To this day, it seems he took me to the center of his heart for R&R. That is where he made me a little bit more whole because he filled the hole her death had left.
He was faithful.
And I find myself almost eleven years later being swept away to another part of the world I’ve never dreamed of going and needing much R&R. I’ve not lost a loved one. Grief has not brought me here. I don’t think healing is on the agenda, but rather God has sent me on a writers retreat to rest and do what I love most—write for him. My writing life as suffered from the business of life, but the Lord has provided. He is faithful.
The Hebrew Word for Faithfulness
What do you need today? Do you hold an oozing wound that needs healing? Or do you desperately need some time to rest and relax? Has a dream or passion been swept under the rug or knocked down a few bars on your priority list? What do you need?
Can you trust that he is faithful? Do you hear the whisper?
“Know therefore, that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands” Deuteronomy 7:9.
The Hebrew word for faithful is AMAN. The root of AMAN means to build up or support, to foster as a parent. Our God is a load bearing beam that will never falter or break under the weight of our problems and needs. Lean on him. Let him hold you up.
Bite of Bread on God’s Faithfulness

He didn’t leave Mary Magdalene searching frantically in the garden for his dead body, but he called her by name and gave her a job. He spoke peace to the disciples who did not believe her message of his life. He let Thomas touch his wounds, and he restored Peter’s place in the Kingdom. Ya’ll, he’s the same restorative, redemptive, empowering Savior-God today. His love soars beyond our comprehension. He knows what we need. Simply worship him. His grace swells like gentle rolling waves washing us clean.
Spend this month feeding on these scriptures about the faithfulness of God. Journal the verses and let them nourish your soul. Make them yours. Here’s a printable on the faithfulness of God to help you work through each scripture.
My friends, God loves you. He is with us all the time. I pray for eyes to see and ears to hear his faithfulness with you. When doubts come, write down all the times God has been there for you. After you write those down, tell him thank you, and pray to trust he will again.
What do you need God to do for you? Leave a comment, I’ll be praying for you!
[…] He is faithful to let us know He is here. A good friend of mine facing serious health issues recently told me of a vivid dream she had of Jesus walking beside her and holding her right hand. As she described her dream, what stood out to me was the fact that Jesus held her right hand. She repeated this several times. Immediately scriptures came to my mind about the Lord holding our right hand through difficult times. We looked up the scriptures and celebrated what God did for her. The Word itself verified the reality of her dream. […]
Amen! Thank you for sharing this! I definitely needed this reminder.
Hi Christi! Hope you are doing well my fearless friend. So glad this encouraged you.