Bible Reading Plan, Uncategorized

Bite of Bread: (Feb. 17-23) Our Greatest Purpose

“We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us…And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ~Nelson Mandela       “We have no idea who we really are.” ~John Eldredge, Waking the …

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purpose, Trust, trusting God, Uncategorized

How Do I Find My Purpose?: Trust God part 2 (Process to Purpose Series)

“Trust in the Lord…” Psalm 37:3   What does it mean to trust? I’m so glad you asked. According to Webster, trust is: Confidence in… the honesty the integrity the reliability the justice …of another person or thing. Is it hard for you to have confidence in the honesty, integrity, reliability, and justice of God? One friend commented last week that she doesn’t …

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faith, purpose, trusting God, Uncategorized

How Do I Find My Purpose?: Trust God (Process to Purpose Series)

  “Trust in the Lord….” (Psalm 37:3)   “Where is your faith?” The words punched me in the stomach. I couldn’t breathe…I certainly could not answer. I looked into the eyes of my accuser with nothing to counter his accusation. I was faithless. Trust-less of God. My hope for my circumstances to change was fading. From my perspective all I could see …

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