Cultivating Kindness in This Season of Hate
It’s been a devastating week of death, hatred, and injustice. Sorrow has manifested in riots and destruction since the death of George Floyd. Our country needs healing. I believe kindness could begin the process. The kindness I’m talking about does not come natural to us. As broken people living in a shattered world where discrimination, fear, and hatred often force …

Being Faithful in an Unfaithful World
I’m so sad. As I researched to prepare for this article about the Holy Spirit Fruit of faithfulness, I discovered that another celebrity pastor was accused of sexual misconduct. Another. Just search Google for “faithfulness articles” and you can read it too. It’s an article in Christianity Today about pastor Bill Hybels of Willow Creek Church. Faithfulness is an attribute …

How to be Patient when You’re Not
We’ve all been there. We’ve sat at the obnoxiously long red light. Is it broken?! We’ve yelled with our inside voice (maybe our outside one), Come! On! We play with the radio, maybe check our phone (even if we aren’t supposed to), and we can feel our blood pressure rise. Sitting still is not one of our strengths. We love …

How We Get the Fruits of the Spirit
Oh my gosh. When my kids were young, and I was home with them All. The. Time. And we had days that were good and days that were BAD, and even minutes in between, I memorized Galatians 5:22 because the VERY last fruit of the Spirit is self-control. So, whenever the little angels pushed my buttons and threatened my …