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A Mary Like Me: Flawed Yet Called (Signed Copy)

(2 customer reviews)



A Mary Like Me uncovers the fear, doubt, bitterness, and faithlessness beloved biblical women fought, just as we do. In Jesus’s presence, their weaknesses became strengths and their flaws were redeemed . . . just like ours. Discover camaraderie in the imperfections of the Marys. Comparison paralyzes, but camaraderie found in our less-than-perfect hearts inspires. When you order from this site, you receive a personalized, signed copy. If this is s gift, please let us know in the comment box when you check out. Leave the person’s name you are blessing. I’m so excited to have the opportunity to hold, pray over, and sign each book ordered. I pray this little book empowers many women to step out in faith.






A Mary Like Me visits the lives of three of the most famous Marys in the world, the mother of Jesus, Mary of Bethany, Martha’s sister who sat at His feet, and Mary Magdalene, who proclaimed His resurrection. Discussion questions and one journal prompt make this a great book for small groups or book clubs. But it’s also a book written to draw you closer to your Savior one on one. Come sit at His feet.


Title: A Mary Like Me
By: Andy Lee
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 192
Vendor: Leafwood Publishing
Publication Date: 2016
Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.50 (inches)
Weight:  5 ounces
ISBN: 0891123342