How to be Patient when You’re Not

We’ve all been there. We’ve sat at the obnoxiously long red light. Is it broken?!  We’ve yelled with our inside voice (maybe our outside one), Come! On! We play with the radio, maybe check our phone (even if we aren’t supposed to), and we can feel our blood pressure rise. Sitting still is not one of our strengths. We love …

Dealing with Difficult People {Help!}

We all have them in our lives, those people we would rather not be near. No matter how hard we try to be peaceful, they push our buttons. They’re angry, selfish, antagonizing, maybe manipulating. Maybe all of those things. We try avoiding them. But it’s impossible when you work or live with them. So, what do we do? How do …

No More Being Nice

I’m a lover not a fighter. In fact, I used to pride myself on my loving personality. (The key words in that sentence are “used to”.) I taught my children to be nice. We did not allow them to fight. They were NOT allowed to argue with each other or their parents. EVER. I began to see the bad fruit …