War Scriptures for Worriers

I really hate it when I’m trying to pray, and worries sneak in. Before I know it, I’m worrying rather than warring. I’d rather be a warrior than a worrier, and I want you to be a warrior too. We need each other. We need warring sisters fighting the good fight with us. Thankfully, we aren’t alone, and that is …

What Helps Me Trust God When Life is Uncertain

Trusting God is not always easy. It’s been almost a month since our country began quarantine. The question we’re all asking is, “When will this be over?” We could handle this better if we just knew how long. Right? That’s the hardest part, the not knowing. I’ve lived through this struggle as a military wife many times. Deployment never had …

Could You Use Some Rest?

In this hustle, bustle world, many of us need rest, but it’s often hard to find. Unless you like naps like I do. I love naps, especially on Sunday afternoon. Climbing onto my bed with a light afghan to cover me, I breathe in the sleepy afternoon air and drift off to sleep for an hour or so. I usually …