July is quickly coming to an end, and as always, I’m amazed at how fast the month flew by. Though it is record breaking HOT in North Carolina, and August will be miserable because it always is, something in the air or the sky tells me a new season, a season of cooler weather, football games, and falling leaves is coming. Rather ridiculous …

You Want Me to do WHAT?!

Another excerpt from A Mary Like Me today. I love Mary’s humility and her humanity. Mary’s humility is vividly painted with her reply to the angel. I imagine her face down before Gabriel, knees in the cold dirt. The King James translation of her acceptance of the assignment God had given her reads like this:  And Mary said, “Behold the …


You (God) are resplendent with light, more majestic than mountains rich with game. (Psalm 76:4) Resplendent. It’s not my every day language. It’s what I call a $5.00 word. Resplendent. It rolls off my Oklahoma tongue with grace and beauty (which few words do), and it evokes an emotion within. My heart skips a beat. My mind wonders, “What does it …

New Song

Ten kindred spirits sat in a circle, heads bowed, eyes closed. The man leading our group began reading this Psalm as we prepared our hearts to pray for the worship services beginning soon. I waited patiently for the Lord;He turned to me and heard my cry.He lifted me out of the slimy pit,Out of the mud and mire;He set my …


Wait quietly in My Presence while My thoughts form silently in the depths of your being. Do not try to rush this process, because hurry keeps you earthbound… (Jesus Calling, 276). Hurry keeps us earthbound.Wrong priorities keep us earthbound.Self-pity keeps us earthbound.Worry keeps us earthbound.Religious pride keeps us earthbound.Any pride keeps us earthbound.etc. etc. etc. But Christ died for our …