It’s March. That means March Madness, moving our clocks forward, longer days, spring fever, and marching. Yes, marching. This is the thing that I noticed about March years ago when I lived in New England where spring didn’t sprung until June and snow threatened until May. March was a month you just have to march through to warmer days, summer days.
Even though I live in the South where summer hits in April, I’ve discovered I still need to march through this month. Now that I’m teaching school again, I find myself in need of the rhythmic step. Spring break cannot get here soon enough–April 15 for us, a LATE spring break! But the truth is, spring and spring break and summer are coming. The seasons will change in their own good time. I just have to be patient.

Productive Waiting
None of us like the “w” word. But I’ve learned a secret about waiting. While we do so, we can be productive. Waiting doesn’t mean we should sit around twittling our thumbs. God always has a treasure for us in the process.
That treasure may be people or children.
It may be time to study His Word.
Or time to let Him work on our hearts to prepare us for the next season. But whatever it is, pray for God to show you what “job” he has for you to do while you wait.
Fresh Manna Each Morning
As Israel waited for the Promised Land, God provided for them. The Bible says that their clothes did not wear out nor their sandals fall apart, and as they got up every morning God showered them with fresh manna.
Deuteronomy 29: 4-5
Yet to this day the LORD has not given you a mind to understand, eyes to see, or ears to hear. During the forty years I led you in the wilderness,neither your clothes nor the sandals on your feet wore out; You ate no bread or drink wine or strong drink, so that you might know that I am the LORD your God.…
God had rules about this manna. You could only gather what you needed for the day. For. The. Day. I’m always wanting to store up enough for the next month. But God is a daily God. This scripture also shows us why they lived on manna. God wanted them to know that he was their provider. Their God. Do you need to know that he is your God?
What is he providing everyday? It may not be what you want or think you need or what you’re waiting for, but I have no doubt that he is providing something daily. (Write it down!)
Fresh Manna For You
In the seasons of marching, my head down, the rhythmic step constant, I look back now and see how important those seasons were. It’s always the desperate seasons when I study deeper, pray longer, and worship harder. And each day he gave me something fresh.
As we march through the second week of March, let’s dig into God’s Bread of Life, his supernatural manna. The Word will fill us, satisfy, and give us something to do as we wait for the next season to appear. I’ve chosen scriptures about God’s timing and provision.

Bite of Bread Bible Reading (Prompts and Printable)
Psalms 81:10 I am the LORD your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.
Prompt: I love this verse. It’s a verse of trust, a scripture about faith. God says, “Open wide!” Let’s live today with expectation of His supernatural manna.
Psalms 84:11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.
Prompt: Ya’ll we’ve got Jesus. We live on the other side of the Cross. He’s made a way for us to live right with Him. This scripture promises that God will be both our source of growth and light as well as our protector. Spend some time today worshiping Him for all He has done.
Here’s the Printable for You!
Philippians 4:19 And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Prompt: The word “riches” also can be translated as “abundance.” Our God never runs out of what we need. He is a God of abundance. Abundant love, abundant forgiveness, abundant mercy. He is so faithful. What do you need from Him today? Write it down. Tonight when you go to bed, write down how He provided.
Romans 8:32 He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us
all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?
Prompt: What a gracious, giving God. Can we imagine such grace? Such generosity? If you have trouble trusting God, focus on Jesus. Rather than focusing on what’s missing in your life, focus on Jesus.
Ecclesiastes 3:11: He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
Prompt: In its time. I love this promise. What are you waiting to be beautiful?
Help During Your Quiet Time
John 9:4 As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.
Prompt: We’ve got supernatural work to do! Eternal work! What will you do to invest into eternity today?
Psalm 90:12 Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Prompt: I heard this quote in a sermon, “Are you working on writing your resume or your eulogy?” I really loved this question. We all know that the resume is temporary. When we get to the end of our life, what do we want to be remembered for? Write it down, and march through March with that focus.
Mid-Week Virtual Bible Study
Come to my living room Wednesday night at 7:30 ET! Let’s get comfy, grab our Bibles and journals, and dig into this week’s Bite of Bread reading plan together. I’ll be live on Facebook. Just follow me or subscribe to my YouTube channel to watch later. Hope you can join me!
Marching with Joy!
Hi Andy,
Thank you for leading us as we march.
I started marching in January. I’m in grad school until May 20, 2020. But I’m still teaching college classes. Sometimes I wonder if I can survive on so little sleep for another year. At almost 51, I just seem to need more sleep than I used to. But I know God is using me, and that He is faithful. I pray I can still be effective even though I am weary. Please pray for me and my students, and I’ll pray for you and yours. Hugs, sister.
Laurie Epps
Absolutely, Laurie! You can do it! I’ll cheer you on and pray you on. God has been talking to me about sleep a lot lately and pretty much telling me you can do anything for a period of time. Sleep is over-rated LOL! Thanks for sharing! Keep marching on!
Hi Andy,
I love the lessons teaches His people through the manna. Here’s a blog post I did on the topic:
Hope you enjoy it!
Thanks Kirsten. Me too. I’ll check out your post. :)