prayer, Uncategorized, Word Wednesday

When Bible Promises Don’t Happen #WordWednesday

  They huddled around the hospital bed praying fervently for a miracle. All desired healing and believed it could happen. But it didn’t come on this side of eternity. Their loved one slipped to the other side while they petitioned. Hearts broken, the mourners grieved and wondered why some scriptures just don’t seem to be true, at least in this …

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trusting God, Word Study, Word Wednesday

How do You Hide Under God’s Wings? #WordWednesday

    I’ve prayed Psalm 91 for soldiers deployed to foreign lands. He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust” Psalm 91:1,2.   I’ve prayed it for friends and family. I’ve …

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Uncategorized, Word Wednesday

A Seed of Hope Planted #WordWednesday

  It wasn’t easy to be a prophet. It was a thankless job, one that often-got tomatoes (or worse) thrown at you. People didn’t want to hear about the need to repent and come back to God. They wanted to believe that everything was hunky-dory, even when they knew better. We’re not much different, are we? The prophet Jeremiah warned …

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Uncategorized, Word Wednesday

Do You Talk to Yourself? You Should. #Word Wednesday

With wrinkled hands she covered her lips attempting to muffle her giggles. Her reaction to the angel of the Lord’s declaration that her weary body would give birth to a son was the same as her century old husband, Abraham. He laughed too when God made such a promise. The whole thought was preposterous. Impossible. But the Lord questioned Abraham, …

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Uncategorized, Word Wednesday

Could You Use Some Strength? #WordWednesday

    Have you ever felt like you did not deserve to go to the throne of grace, like you weren’t good enough to be there? It’s a holy place–one you’d think only God and Jesus could attend, but the Bible says it’s a place of grace, and  that means acceptance and approval are waiting for us at God’s throne. (Because Jesus is there who understands …

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