
What to Do When Your Spouse (Or Somebody You Love) is an Unbeliever

  Do you remember your first date with the person you eventually said, “I do” to? I remember mine. Even today, twenty-seven years later I can remember how we laughed. I loved laughing with him. Still do. But life is full of twist and turns, and as two people stand at the altar repeating vows, they cannot fathom all that …

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difficult people, faith

Dealing with Difficult People {Help!}

We all have them in our lives, those people we would rather not be near. No matter how hard we try to be peaceful, they push our buttons. They’re angry, selfish, antagonizing, maybe manipulating. Maybe all of those things. We try avoiding them. But it’s impossible when you work or live with them. So, what do we do? How do …

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