
Why am I Here?

  Do you find yourself asking that age old question, “Why am I here?”? Don’t tell anyone, but I do too. Sometimes I ask the same question. It’s usually after experiencing disappointment or not enough sleep. :) It may seem like I’ve got it all together, but I’ll let you in on a little secret: NOBODY DOES. Not all the …

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Bite of Bread, Promises, Uncategorized

Seven Promises of God to Stand on When You’re Having a Bad Day

It wasn’t a “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day,” but I FELT like it was. Have you had one of those days? You honk at the car in front of you taking toooooo long to realize the light is green. You yell at the cat or your husband for no reason, and you think . . . what is wrong …

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When You Want to Push Somebody Down #Gentleness

I sat around the table with friends sharing our prayer needs. Open, honest, and vulnerable, I told mine. We’re like minded. Women of faith, and kindred spirits who’ve heard the call to write, so it seemed to be a safe place. But it wasn’t. As soon as I let my request out, questions and “answers” spilled from (well-meaning) lips. Have …

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Being Faithful in an Unfaithful World

I’m so sad. As I researched to prepare for this article about the Holy Spirit Fruit of faithfulness,  I discovered that another celebrity pastor was accused of sexual misconduct. Another. Just search Google for “faithfulness articles” and you can read it too. It’s an article in Christianity Today about pastor Bill Hybels of Willow Creek Church. Faithfulness is an attribute …

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