There is no limit to what God can do for you providing you do not seek your own glory. ~L.B. Cowman

I am such a girl. I am such a mommy.
As my baby boy (now almost 16) and I watched the evening news, I had to blink away tears as they announced the birth of the newest heir to the throne of England. The tears caught me off guard.
You’re probably thinking, “That made you cry?”
I know! That’s what I thought! Why was I crying? I’m sure my son thought the same thing but he knows not to ask.
But the story stirred something deep in my spirit.
It’s not everyday that a future king is born. We were witnessing history.
As I watched the excitement of England I couldn’t help but think of the enormous weight of the world–the destiny this child already held on his newborn shoulders. What responsibility his parents have as they raise their tiny prince! What world problems will he face decades from now?
Destiny and responsibility have been on my mind lately. I’m writing a Bible study on the book of Ruth which is a story that tells a tale of ordinary people used by God for purposes much bigger than themselves. If you aren’t familiar with the story, read this short book of the Bible. It demonstrates God’s hand in our lives. It also provides hope that our circumstances and purpose affect generations way beyond our life on this earth.
While studying I found this treasure: “….and the Lord enabled her to conceive” (Ruth 4:13). Enabled has been translated from the Hebrew word Nāt̠an. According to the lexical aids in the Key-Word Study Bible, my favorite study Bible, Nāt̠an alludes to “putting something in or upon a place or fastening something in place.”You can argue that our English word, enabled, does translate what happened to Ruth, but Nāt̠an paints a picture as the Hebrew language often does.
Can you visualize the hand of God working in Ruth’s life? (She had not been able to have children for ten years.) God literally, though supernaturally, placed a son inside her womb. I love this. He’s such a personal God. And His timing and purpose is perfect. I believe He orchestrates every detail of our lives just like He did hers.
Ruth’s baby boy bore great destiny on his newborn shoulders too. He wouldn’t grow up to be a king, but he was destined to be the grandfather of one. King David was his grandson and Jesus, our eternal King, was born out of this family line. Now that’s Destiny.
As of last night, the media did not know the name of Kate and William’s baby. I wonder what it will be–what significance it will hold. The Bible tells us that after Ruth gave birth to her baby boy they laid him on his grandmother’s lap. She named him Obed. His name meant worshiper.
He was not only destined to be the grandfather of David; he was destined to worship God.
Truthfully, I can’t think of a greater destiny or purpose.
What are your thoughts about the birth of the new prince?
Much love,
Our destiny is also royal:
For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by Him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs–heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may share in His glory. (Romans 8:15-17)