You are wanted. Needed. Loved and adored. You are a daughter of the King, a beautiful reflection of His grace and truth. If those words are difficult for you to believe, we hope you will come to one of our Beauty for Ashes Rewind events.
What’s a Rewind? Our Rewind events are one day rather than an entire weekend. They are a “rewind” of the annual retreat held in March. This women’s one-day event is filled with worship, the Word, prayer, and joy. If you need to laugh or cry, fill up, or deposit the burdens you’ve been carrying, we invite you to come. It’s been nine years since the first BFA retreat, and God has never disappointed. He always shows up. It’s always a time of healing, wholeness, connections, and growth.
The 2024 Rewind theme is “Beautiful Reflections: Finding Your Identity in Jesus.”
When we look in the mirror, we may see our faults, but God’s mirror reflects how God sees us. Shatter that old mirror and take a step of faith by coming to a BFA Rewind. Come expecting to meet a new friend, experience powerful worship, find rest and healing, and discover your shiny new reflection.

Speakers and Messages

Andy Lee is the author of A Mary Like Me: Flawed Yet Called, The Book of Ruth Bible Study: A 31-Day Journey to Hope and Promise, and Radiant Influence: How an Ordinary Girl Changed the World. Her greatest passion is to help women unlock the life-changing power in the Bible for themselves. That’s what changed her life, her marriage, and her parenting, and gives her renewed purpose and strength everyday. You can do life with her on Instagram @wordsbyandylee and her YouTube channel.
Andy’s Message: From Shame to Glory
We have no idea how precious and beautiful we are to God, but you, beloved, are God’s glory. Romans 5 promises we’ve gained access by faith into a place of grace and glory. We just need to believe and trust. Come discover what this really means for each of us as a daughter of the king and find your true identity as the glory of God.

Venus Schrader spent years in pursuit of emotional healing from traumatic events of her childhood. On the brink of throwing in the towel on life and God, she received the revelation that she was Daddy’s Girl. This opened the door to a process of healing that has forever changed her life. She has lead women’s bible study, taught Sunday school, and she has also ministered to homeless and runaway teens and single moms and caregivers.
Venus’s Message: Made in the Image of God
We are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). So, why do we struggle with self image? Venus shares her struggle and the revelation that set her free. She explains, “I became the devil’s wing man against myself and believed his lies.” Through this message you will walk with Venus into the truth about our image and debunk the lies once and for all.

Debbie Hufham is the visionary of Kalos women’s ministries. She has a desire to show women they can trust God. A message about obedience is not something most people run to hear, but her motto is: “faith is the key; obedience opens the door.” Debbie invites you through the door where you can find peace, hope and trust in Jesus. Her intentional speech and hilarious stories are loved by those who hear her messages.
Debbie’s Message: Who are You Listening to?
We take in so much information today from what we should wear, what we should eat, even what time to eat. But do we take time to really listen to what God is saying to us? He is speaking. Come and see how Hannah dealt with all the outside voices and chose to listen to the one voice that gave her peace and strength in a time of shame and heartache. Let Hannah’s story give you hope and wisdom to listen to the only voice that matters.

. . . to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and the garment of praise instead of the spirit of despair. . . Isaiah 61:3
Testimonies of attendees…
Attending Beauty for Ashes Retreats is like coming home to family. So much warmth and loving thought and prayer put into each event. Love the freedom of the spirit! Blessed to have been both attendee and speaker.
– Susan Ely, Raleigh, NC
Last year was my 1st year and I’m excited for my 2nd year. I met lots of amazing women. – Kelly Lynn Michael, Wilmington, NC
This was my first retreat ever and was an amazing experience! I was so filled by all the testimonies & met so many wonderful Christian women, many of whom have become special friends! I was totally blessed by this retreat.
-Diane Holland, Wilmington, NC
Such a time of refreshing as I met so many women who have so many different walks of life and how God brought them through. Also the breakouts helped so much as I always struggled with opening up and sharing my story. Looking forward to 2020.
-Sara Echel, Wilmington, NC
I loved it and will be there next time and bringing a friend! – Francine Tadeo, Wilmington, NC
My mom Anne Scott and I attended for the first time and I’m hoping to bring my daughters and daughter in laws with me this coming year. -Ellen Hart, Wilmington, NC
When is your next event?
Hi Joanne! Currently we’re working on an event sometime in September in Charlotte, NC, and October here in Wilmington, NC. That’s it for now. Does your church need a speaker or would they be interested in a one-day Beauty for Ashes retreat?
Our church is interested in a one-day conference, perhaps in the spring or earlier. Thank you.
Hi Debbie! That is wonderful. We’d love to come. I will send you and email to start the conversation. Blessings!
I am trying to purchase the VIP experience for the 2024 retreat, I have tried on my computer, phone and a different computer. Once I click on checkout it will not let me get past that point. Is this event sold out? I already booked my room at the hotel.
Hey Natasha, I think we got this figured out on Facebook, but let me know if we didn’t. XXOO
Hello there, how can I find out if the March retreat is sold out or not? Tried to find an email or something but no luck.
Hi! I’m sorry I’m just seeing this. We are not sold out yet. We’d love to have you join us!
Please add me to your registration list. I’m praying for the finances to be able to attend. I need this retreat !!
Hi Trina, we will add you to possible attendees, and we will definitely be praying for your finances to attend.
Do you ever have retreats closer to San Diego, CA. ? Or can you recommend how I can find one ?
Hi Trina! We do not have retreats closer to the west coast yet, but we dream of having them all over the country. I will definitely be in prayer for you to find one closer or have the funds to come to ours! We would love to have you.
Hello, please add me to your distribution list for your retreat, I’d love to attend!
We will!
I just found this page as I am desperately looking for this kind of retreat. I also see that you are sold out. I would like to be on a list if something comes available or the next event. Thank you. God bless
Hi Stephanie! We will definitely put you on our list. Hopefully we’ll have info out in August.
Please sign me up for notification on your next retreat. Looks like a wonderful time! Thank you.
Will do!
Please sign me up to receive emails and updates on the next retreat. Thank you.
Will do!
I’d love to be added as well. Thank you so much.
Will do, Kerry!
Hello. I recently came across this tonight and realized I am too late for this years retreat. However, I would love to receive more information regarding next years. And, if for any reason a lady minute spot opens up for this year, please let me know.
Hi Isabel! I will definitely put you on the list for next year. And I think we do have a spot that’s opened. I will be emailing you. :)
Do you have availability for a one day pass just for Saturday? I would love to attend as I live in the area.
Hi Ramona! I sent you an email. :)
I just came across your site and wealth of resources for women wanting a closer relationship with God and fellowship with sister believers. I noted I am too late for the 2023 Beauty for Ashes Retreat, but I would love to receive information in time to participate in the 2024 retreat. That way I could plan and include other women from my church and community.. I live in Easley, SC
Hi Vickie! So glad you found me! I will definitely add you to our email list for the retreat. We also would love to bring a BFA retreat to your neck of the woods. Thanks so much for reaching out.
Can you please let me know,if the Retreat Registration is still available for March 3-5,2023 Thank you ❣️ 😁
Hi Anna! I sent you an email, but I’m not sure if you got it. We have 4 more open spots! We’d love to have you join us.
I wish I could come but I already have a trip planned a week later!! I hope I can come next year!!
Rebecca, it’s always the first weekend in March, so keep that in mind! We also would love to bring a Beauty for Ashes retreat to your area. :)
I’m coming to this retreat, I fill like it’s the answer to my prayers, I want to reconnect and receive what my father has in store for me. I also just moved here to NC with my husband and baby boy and would like to get to know other women of Faith.
Alina! We’re so excited you’re coming! We will be praying for you!
I would love to attend and see how I can move on as a woman after my previous divorce that has left abig wound on my heart but I stay in Uganda Africa I don’t know how I can connect to attend this because it means boarding aplane of which I don’t know how I can do it
I stumbled across this by accident! Then again maybe it wasn’t an accident!
Making plans to attend the March 2020 conference! I’m checking with a few more Sisters-N-Christ!
Hi Jodi! I love when God does that! So glad you found us and can’t wait to meet you! Yes, bring some sisters with you! It’s going to be an anointed weekend. :)
Hi Andy,
I am attending your retreat this weekend at Shell Island Wrightsville beach.
I am disabled and use a wheelchair. I am so nervous to attend due to my fear of not fitting in. I have to have an assistant to ambulate as I am unable to move my wheelchair on my own. Which make me feel vulnerable and completely depend on others.
Sometimes my chair scares people away from interacting or including me. I wish I could just go and not have to think about the legistic of attending a public event.
I want so badly to just go and enjoy being with other stong women , make friends, praise God and find my way back to that person who had confidence, empowerment and be a whole person again.
My loving husband signed me up for this retreat out of love and the hope that I will come home, hopeful, stronger, less anxious, and with tools to be brave again .
Any suggestions or advice on how to stay present and not let my anxiety get the best of me during the retreat.
I am so excited to see what the weekend will bring. I am unable to stay overnight and my husband, my best friend will stay on the hotel property, a phone call away if I need anything .
Thank you for your love and dedication to offering events that are God centered. Empower and help women heal and creat lasting friendships.
Best to you, Janice Thomaier
See you this weekend!
Hi Janice! We are thrilled that you are coming to the retreat! Though I don’t know all the women coming, I know some of them and have no doubt that you will find them loving, inclusive, and helpful. I will try to orchestrate who you sit by. Do you need one of our team to be your helper during the event? You will be in our prayers for peace and joy, and the strength you need to be brave. Please don’t be afraid. We are all just simple, ordinary women who love Jesus. See you soon! – Andy
Hi Andy, I am attending your retreat this weekend at Shell Island Wrightsville beach.
I am disabled and use a wheelchair. I am so nervous to attend due to my fear of not fitting in. I have to have an assistant to ambulate as I am unable to move my wheelchair on my own. Which make me feel vulnerable and completely depend on others.
Sometimes my chair scares people away from interacting or including me. I wish I could just go and not have to think about the legistic of attending a public event.
I want so badly to just go and enjoy being with other stong women , make friends, praise God and find my way back to that person who had confidence, empowerment and be a whole person again.
My loving husband signed me up for this retreat out of love and the hope that I will come home, hopeful, stronger, less anxious, and with tools to be brave again .
Any suggestions or advice on how to stay present and not let my anxiety get the best of me during the retreat.
I am so excited to see what the weekend will bring. I am unable to stay overnight and my husband, my best friend will stay on the hotel property, a phone call away if I need anything .
Thank you for your love and dedication to offering events that are God centered. Empower and help women heal and creat lasting friendships.
Best to you, Janice Thomaier
See you this weekend!
Any any spaces left for this?
Hi Kim! Yes! We’d love to have you join us this year!
Andy is there still room for the Match retreat?
Sonia Armstrong
[email protected]
Andy, what is the deadline for registering for the retreat? I am trying to get some of my friends at my church to come!
Hi Christine! The deadline in Feb 22. Hope you can come!
Very interested! Who are your keynote speakers for this retreat??
Hi Kimberly! I sent you an email with the bios of the keynote speakers. :) Hope you can come!!