Step into your Kingdom role no matter where you find yourself today. You are here for such a time as this. Radiant! is a two-session event filled with worship, prayer, and teaching based on Esther’s story. Experience the anointing power of the Holy Spirit during worship and the power of the Living Word in each message. Come discover how much you …
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It’s that time of year. The time of hearts, candy, and red roses, the month of love. Some of us hate it, dread it, wish we could skip to March. Let’s face it, February can be painful unless our focus is on something or someone better which is the plan for this post. The plan for this year is all …
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Radiant! Events 2021-2022 Step into your Kingdom role no matter where you find yourself today. You are here for such a time as this. Radiant! is a two-session event filled with worship, prayer, and teaching based on Esther’s story. Experience the anointing power of the Holy Spirit during worship and the power of the Living Word in each message. Come discover …
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Repentance is not a very popular topic. Personally, I’d rather write about worship or grace. Yet, since the pandemic, a lot of preachers and speakers are telling Americans to repent. I struggled with this at first. Do we need to? This sent me to my knees asking God to show me what repentance really is and what He wants us …
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It happened so quickly. The words flew out of my mouth before I could lasso them back. There was no way to take them back. I prayed her ears did not hear it, but I couldn’t tell. I held my breath. I was tired. I didn’t mean to say those words! The minute I heard myself say it I thought, …
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