dreams, heaven, New Earth

Fulfilled Dreams in Heaven

“God is big enough not only to fulfill your dreams but also to expand them as you anticipate Heaven. When you experience disappointment and loss as you faithfully serve God here, remember: the loss is temporary. The gains will be eternal. Every day on the New Earth will be a new opportunity to live out the dreams that matter most.” (Randy Alcorn, Heaven, p. 435)

I once had a very angry friend (who was not happy with me) say, “You’re always telling me about the latest book you’ve read and how great it is! I don’t want to hear it! It doesn’t apply to my life!” Those probably weren’t her exact words, but after ten years or so the old memory gets foggy. Anyway, her words were revelatory to me. She was right. I’m always excited to tell people about a good book.

Maybe I’m so excited because I really don’t read that much, so when I do, I’m amazed at the content. Maybe  it’s an accomplishment I have to share. Really, I think I share what I’ve read because I’m one of those people who has to tell my friends about good stuff when I find it. I do it with other things too like deodorant and recipes. Can’t help it! I think it’s part of my personality.

I’ve mentioned Randy’s book before, but I came across this paragraph and knew I had to share it with you. I found it powerful, hopeful, and refocusing, which we all need from time to time. The entire premise of this book is that Heaven will not just be up in the clouds with us singing for all eternity. Heaven will eventually be the New Earth, and on this New Earth we will have new bodies and new jobs, purpose, languages, family, friends….we’ll have it all.

This is really exciting stuff to me. But the paragraph with which I started today’s post is like the icing on this eternal cake. In essence he said, “If you don’t fulfill your dreams now, just wait…you will in heaven! Your loss now is only temporary.” Wow. Love it. Wish I wrote it, but I’m so glad somebody did.

We all face loss in our lives. Many of us face disappointments and struggle, but those losses and hardships melt away if our focus is on what is to come. Yes, we have to live today, but Heavenly perspective somehow gives clarity and strength to live one day at  a time with hope and joy. Jesus’ words say it all:

“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted…” (Luke 12:33).

Can you imagine such reward? Never ending treasure.

Read Randy’s quote again and let your imagination dream.

Much love,

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