faith, prayer, Trust, worry

What Helps You Trust God?

Worry is the facade of taking action when prayer really is. ~ Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts

Photo by Kim M. Andrist

I don’t consider myself a worrier. But I know that term is relative. There is a long and wide spectrum to that cumbersome thing called worry. In fact, as I type, I realize how I’ve prided myself on my ability to “not worry.” Yet the truth is I do partake of its poison during bits and pieces of my day. And yesterday was one of those days.

“God helps those who helps themselves.” That is what a close friend always said to me. The first time those words spilled out of her mouth I wondered the Scripture reference. But there is none. This quote is not from the Bible. It’s from the one who takes truth and twists it to his pleasure and for his design. For the clear record, this quote is not biblical because it makes it appear we have to “do” something to please God. But nothing pleases God more than waiting on His answer.

Sometimes stepping out into my calling feels more like walking a tightrope. Jumping out of an airplane. Diving into the ocean. I have to hold my breath, shut my eyes, and jump. It’s not always very pretty. But for me, if God nudges me I will be paralyzed by worry if I wait too long. I’m the person that worries on the other side, after I’m falling through the air. That’s not good either.

What does God say?
He says, For God loved the world so much that He gave His favorite Son so whoever trusts Him will LIVE (My version of John 3:16).

Did you know that worry can kill us? It can literally and figuratively and spiritually kill us. Worry is the opposite of trust.

This morning as I stumbled down the outside stairs with puppy Jack who decided he wanted out at 5:00am, the black sky freckled with shiny pieces of light welcomed me into something much bigger than me. It was as if God wanted me to start my morning looking up. I took a deep breath and greeted those same stars who met Mary Magdalene on her way to the tomb the day she found a resurrected Jesus, or rather He found her. And I was reminded of the constant of our God. Our miraculous God.

He alone can be trusted.

What helps you turn your worry into trust?

Much grace,


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