
Stop Waiting and Step Out in Faith

Don’t you love it when you ask God if you are really hearing from him, and he makes it clear that you are, but you don’t want to do what he’s saying? Sometimes his call can be daunting like looking at a divide between two high cliffs, one that demands a big step and jump to get to the other side. It’s scary. What if you fall?

It’s a quandary.

This whole waiting on God versus stepping out in faith thing.

I’ve written about waiting on God. The Bible really proves some powerful reasons to wait and how to wait. The Bible is filled with such wisdom.

But I know there are times when we have waited, and waited, and waited, even though something is stirring, and God himself is saying, “Come on! It’s time to move!” But we’d rather wait for a better time.

There’s a story in the Bible about two women who didn’t wait on God. Their names were Ruth and Naomi.

Naomi had lost everything. Her husband and sons had died. She had no home or money. Ruth could have left Naomi alone, but she moved back to Naomi’s home town, and took care of the bitter, despairing woman. Both of these women needed a kinsman redeemer, someone from their husband’s family who could restore them back into the family–someone who could give them a home again.

God was faithful. He provided food and work for Ruth and a kinsman redeemer named Boaz. But Boaz wasn’t very quick in the whole marriage/redeeming thing, so one day Naomi (who now had hope and sparkle back in her eye) comes up with a great scheme to get Ruth redeemed (married). It’s a little sneaky. It’s not exactly legal, but they see an opportunity and go for it.

I wrote a Bible study on this. This is one of the sections of the lesson that pertained to Naomi’s plan. This is what I wrote:

Honestly, I know there are times when I must wait on God; he can make everything fall into place. But I also know he gives  opportunities that require my effort. Many of us believe that if we need to work for the dream, it’s not from God. We hold this misconception that everything should fall into place easily. But the truth is, sometimes God cracks a door open, yet requires us to push in order to cross the threshold. Naomi and Ruth spotted the crack, and they pushed.

Has God cracked any doors for you lately, but you’re waiting for them to magically fly open? Does this lesson free you to use your muscles?

(The Book of Ruth Key Word Bible Study: A 31-Day Journey to Hope and Promise)  Ruth Study Cover

You may be thinking, “Yes, Andy, that’s great. God really came through for them. It all worked out. But how do I know if the “crack” is from God?

Good question.

[bctt tweet=”This is what I know. God loves faith.” username=”wordsbyandylee”]

Jesus loved it when Peter stepped out of that boat and started walking toward him. Abraham was commended by God for his faith, and a whole chapter of the Bible is about how much God loves faith.

I think it gets him excited. He loves it when he sees his kids stepping out doing what they feel God is leading them to do because we trust him. We don’t trust ourselves, but Him!

He blesses faith.

So, go for it. Push that door open.

If we’re wrong. I know a great Redeemer.

Grab my hand.

“Lord, please shut all doors not in your plan, but grant us the courage to push open the door you cracked. Amen!”

Leave a comment if this post has encouraged you!


Digging Deep into my faith,





  1. Jan Doke

    This is a great one, Andy! We all need permission to push and to know about the grace that awaits if we shouldn’t have! Love you!

    1. Thank you! Love you too!

  2. I tried slamming an open door shut. God flung it back open. I have hesitated at a door half open and finally gathered courage to enter. In both instances, I have gotten strong confirmation that I had finally obeyed God. Thanks for this devotion. Perfect timing.

    1. I am giggling at the thought of trying to slam an open door from the Lord! You’re awesome Patricia! So glad this was perfect timing. You go girl!

  3. Inspiring Souls

    Thank you Andy, I needed to hear this.
    Inspiring Souls

    1. You’re welcome! So glad this blessed you. Thanks for stopping by. Now, go open that door!

  4. This message is for me :) I am stepping out, preparing an online Bible study in the book of Esther.
    Then, we will see what God will do with it.
    Thanks, Andy

    1. That’s awesome Jeanne! I’m excited for you. You’ll love doing the online study! Blessings!

  5. Debbie

    A few years ago, I owned a home with a swinging door between the kitchen and the dining room. Sometimes, I pushed open the door and it stayed open. Other times, I pushed open the door and it swung closed. God provided a visual that I apply to my life. I’ve pushed open doors introducing myself to people. I’ve pushed open doors applying for jobs. I’ve pushed open doors communicating via email or social media. Many doors promptly close in my face. However, when God opened the door . . . Wow. Amen. He is faithful.

    1. That’s such a great vision, Debbie! Thank you for sharing! Love it!!

  6. Great post, dear Andy. Makes me think about a recent experience with my dear dad. He’s still grieving the loss of my mom and seemed increasingly down when we visited. One evening, we began talking about him teaching a Bible study again. He’d been praying and waiting … but felt it was time to stop waiting and just do it. He did! It’s been life to him and blessing to others.

    Love you!

    1. Hey Emily! Tanks for sharing this story about your dad. My heart hurts for him as he grieves, but I’m so excited about his teaching. That is awesome! Blessings!

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