Bite of Bread

Bite of Bread: Upward Focus

  Our minds are valuable real estate. A battle wages to control them. That is why soaking in the truth of the Bible is so important. Our thoughts can consume us, both good and bad. [bctt tweet=”I prefer thoughts of good to take over me.” username=”wordsbyandylee”] Last week we focused on the armor of God and the spiritual battle we fight …

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Bite of Bread

Bite of Bread: War Ready and Winners of the Circle Maker

Have you seen the movie, “The War Room“? It opened this weekend (August 28). If you haven’t, go see it. This movie stirred me to pray. It strengthened my faith. The next morning I marched around my house praying out loud. (I can do that with an empty nest!) My faith strong; my resolve stronger. [tweetability]My faith was not in …

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