faith, Names of God

El Shaddai, God Almighty

El Shaddai, God Almighty is with you. His timing perfect. His ways beyond our creativity and strength. He walks the pages of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, generation after generation, and the Living God still walks our world today moving mountains and fulfilling promises made Millenia ago. Are you waiting for a miracle? Has a promise not been fulfilled? …

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faith, Names of God

Scriptures on God’s Faithfulness, El Emet

God is faithful. He is El Emet, the God of faithfulness. Somebody needs to hear this today. He promises, “I’m faithful.” Have you heard this promise? It’s a whisper that has floated through my spirit over and over in the last few years. “Andy, I’m faithful.” The voice is gentle and kind. It comes when I’m worried or sad. Sometimes …

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The Lord Who Heals, Yahweh Rophe

The LORD is our healer. He heals hearts, minds, and bodies. He heals marriages, broken friendships, and divided families. The Lord is in the healing, restoring, rebuilding business. That’s why He is such a good God. Have you experienced the Healer? I have. The past month has been a difficult one for me. A trusted friend crushed my spirit. I …

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Yahweh Yireh (Jehovah Jireh) is the God Who Provides

God provides. I’ve experienced his provision in so many ways. I’m sure you have too. I cannot think of a better way to prepare our hearts during this season of Lent than focusing on the ways God has provided for us and promises to provide for the future. With the cost of food and gas, wars, border issues, and division …

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